Post full of random thoughts and things? Yes, please.
Here goes...
1. We got staff shirts that we have to wear at work now. I hate them. Totally cramping my style. They're t-shirts, and they don't look half bad, but I have always prided myself on looking cute at work. Seriously, I have. Everyone at work knows that I'm the one who looks nice and cute there. Now, I'm lumped into the same category as everyone else with these t-shirts that have "STAFF" written in big letters on the back. We got the e-mail that the shirts came in on Monday, and even though I was at the church interning, I DID NOT pick up those things so that on Tuesday, when I worked, I could look cute. And I did. I rebelled, in my own sort of way, and then came into work today in athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Story of my life for a while, apparently.
2. My friend, Tyler, who is driving my car, headed to the beach this morning with his family, so my car is stuck at home and it can't be driven. It's such a sad day. It's weird to see my car in my driveway. When I woke up this morning and saw my car (he dropped it off last night), I thought he was at my house, and I was so confused. But, my parents are taking the car to the shop tonight, so no more confusion for a while.
3. I was told yesterday that I'm walking better with the boot on. I guess that's a good thing. I go back to the doctor two weeks from tomorrow, and hopefully a week after that I'll get to take the boot off. We had a water night at church last night, and I was SO sad that I couldn't get wet. But, I did get to spend some time with sweet Millie Kate, and that made it a lot better.
4. Speaking of babies, I was also told yesterday that I'm always with babies. And I heard the "Momma Ashton" nickname thrown out a few times, which I haven't heard in a long time. What can I say? I love those sweet babies. I get to spend some time with Jack + Joe on Saturday, and I'm SO looking forward to it!!
5. Boys and girls are so different. One of my guy friends asked me if crying was therapeutic for girls. When I said yes, he just shook his head and said, "That's so weird." We discussed my crying "patterns"/"habits", and he was beyond confused. I, on the other hand, am so confused as to why boys enjoy playing sports in the pouring down rain. What's up with that? You're already sweaty, and then you get super wet. Ew. Gross. No thanks.
6. I'm really looking forward to getting a lot of things done at my house this weekend. My parents have lots of projects that need to be done, and I'm hoping they get done this weekend! Every time my parents come to my house, they bring so much JUNK with them, and it's driving me crazy. Seriously. Every. Single. Time. Hopefully this weekend all that junk will be taken away!
7. I'm missing my friends. Two are on a mission trip, and I'm looking forward to them coming home this weekend. Some more are at camps all over the country, and I want them to be back in Augusta! Others are just out of town, and I want them back in the AUG as well.
8. I'm LOVING this verse I found in Isaiah the other day. I'll finish with it. It's Isaiah 30:18 and it says, "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!"
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
just let me go.
This past year, the Great Commission has become a huge spot in my heart, and I've been dwelling on those verses a lot. In Matthew, chapter 28, verses 19 and 20, we are not called but commanded to go to all the nations and spread the Gospel. We are to go, we are to make disciples, and we are to teach them all that He's commanded us. It's our command to go.
So, I've wanted to go. I've wanted to get out of Augusta, and I've wanted to take the Gospel to some of those six thousand people groups that HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THE GOSPEL. I've wanted to sell all my stuff, say au revoir, hop on a plane, and never look back. I've wanted to go with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
And I went....sort of. I went to North Carolina, thinking that this would be a start for me. Thinking that going to camp where a bunch of kids don't know Jesus Christ would be perfect for me. I could tell them about Jesus, show them about His love, and share the Gospel with these kids. Yet, I never even got to see these kids. I didn't get that far. I got three days into staff training and then the Lord made it VERY clear to me that He wanted me home. So, here I am.
I was in the car with a friend the other day, and we had a twenty or so minute drive ahead of us. He says to me, "So, after you get your degree, do you want to stay in Augusta or what?" Boy, did he just open up a can of worms or what. I proceed to tell him for the next ten minutes or so about how I would so go to a foreign country if the Lord called me to that. I told him how I've struggled this past semester with staying in college and not going far away to tell others about Christ. I fully expected him to say something along the lines of, "Oh that's so awesome. I totally admire that." But, he didn't. He said some hard stuff to me. He said, "You know, Ashton, God has you here in Augusta for a reason. Go for it. Don't spend all of college waiting to be done so you can go and share the Gospel in other places. Share it here. Take advantage of this time in your life, because you'll never have these years back." He went on for a while, and I was honestly stumped and sort of ticked. Did he really just say those things to me?
I mulled over his words for the rest of the day and into that night. I started to get upset about the whole thing, and I was sort of mad at him for saying what he said. Didn't he see that I had this great plan to share the Gospel with lots of different people? Shouldn't he be proud of me for that?
Then the Lord softened my heart. I began to see my friend's words for what they were---wise, biblical counsel. Instead of being upset about what he had said, I was grateful. My perspective changed. I shouldn't just be waiting to leave Augusta to share the Gospel; I should be sharing it IN Augusta. The Lord obviously wanted me in Augusta this summer. He obviously wanted me in my house, teaching a girls' Bible study, interning for free, and sharing the Gospel through all of it. I can't go to the nations this summer, but I can go outside my front door. I'm going to try my hardest to go this summer and share the Gospel throughout Augusta.
P.S. Loving this verse:
"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed." - Proverbs 15:22
So, I've wanted to go. I've wanted to get out of Augusta, and I've wanted to take the Gospel to some of those six thousand people groups that HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THE GOSPEL. I've wanted to sell all my stuff, say au revoir, hop on a plane, and never look back. I've wanted to go with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
And I went....sort of. I went to North Carolina, thinking that this would be a start for me. Thinking that going to camp where a bunch of kids don't know Jesus Christ would be perfect for me. I could tell them about Jesus, show them about His love, and share the Gospel with these kids. Yet, I never even got to see these kids. I didn't get that far. I got three days into staff training and then the Lord made it VERY clear to me that He wanted me home. So, here I am.
I was in the car with a friend the other day, and we had a twenty or so minute drive ahead of us. He says to me, "So, after you get your degree, do you want to stay in Augusta or what?" Boy, did he just open up a can of worms or what. I proceed to tell him for the next ten minutes or so about how I would so go to a foreign country if the Lord called me to that. I told him how I've struggled this past semester with staying in college and not going far away to tell others about Christ. I fully expected him to say something along the lines of, "Oh that's so awesome. I totally admire that." But, he didn't. He said some hard stuff to me. He said, "You know, Ashton, God has you here in Augusta for a reason. Go for it. Don't spend all of college waiting to be done so you can go and share the Gospel in other places. Share it here. Take advantage of this time in your life, because you'll never have these years back." He went on for a while, and I was honestly stumped and sort of ticked. Did he really just say those things to me?
I mulled over his words for the rest of the day and into that night. I started to get upset about the whole thing, and I was sort of mad at him for saying what he said. Didn't he see that I had this great plan to share the Gospel with lots of different people? Shouldn't he be proud of me for that?
Then the Lord softened my heart. I began to see my friend's words for what they were---wise, biblical counsel. Instead of being upset about what he had said, I was grateful. My perspective changed. I shouldn't just be waiting to leave Augusta to share the Gospel; I should be sharing it IN Augusta. The Lord obviously wanted me in Augusta this summer. He obviously wanted me in my house, teaching a girls' Bible study, interning for free, and sharing the Gospel through all of it. I can't go to the nations this summer, but I can go outside my front door. I'm going to try my hardest to go this summer and share the Gospel throughout Augusta.
P.S. Loving this verse:
"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed." - Proverbs 15:22
Broken Ankle,
Life Lessons,
Student Ministry
Friday, June 24, 2011
seven day blog challenge, day seven.
day seven: one story you want to tell
so, i'll go for one of my funniest stories of all time. for once, it won't be about me falling or something dumb like that, which would (and does) make for a funny story. this story is about my dad, and it happened about five years ago.
for almost all of my childhood, my parents and i would meet my BM's (birth mom) parents somewhere in north georgia, usually around the rome area, once or twice a year. it was the halfway point between augusta and huntsville. we usually would meet around Christmas, so we would spend the day together and exchange Christmas presents. this year was no different, and we pulled into a cracker barrel parking lot on a cold, december saturday morning and realized we were the first ones there. my mom and i were trying to find our purses and such, and my dad really had to go to the bathroom, so he went on into the restaurant.
mom and i followed maybe two minutes after dad had gone inside, and we too decided to go to the bathroom. mom was before me, and she went into the first available stall. i went into the next one and saw that there was something nasty in the toilet, so i said the the ladies behind me, "that one is gross." i went to the last stall, the handicapped stall, and saw someone STANDING up going to the bathroom. quickly, i realized it was my FATHER.
i shut the door as fast as i could, and one of the ladies behind me asked, "is that one gross, too?" i shook my head and said, "no, someone's in there." the ladies both gave me odd looks, and i held onto the door as tight as i could. i turned to look in the crack as my dad was finished, and he says to me, "ashton, what are you doing in the men's restroom?" i said, "this is the women's restroom." my dad gave me this look that said, "crap. how am i going to get out of this one?"
after what seemed like an eternity to both me and my dad, he decided to make his exit. he pushes through the door, looks at the other two ladies and says, "i'm so sorry. i thought this was the men's restroom," and proceeds to exit as fast as he possibly could. the ladies look at me with even more confused looks, and then i hear my mom say, "ashton, was that your father?". i was utterly embarrassed, but i said, "yes," and i proceeded to enter into the same stall that my dad had just left.
my mom and i finish going to the bathroom, and we head back out to the restaurant. we finally find my dad, and my mom asks him, "carter, did you wash your hands?" he looks at her like she's crazy and says, "no, i went out to the car and used some hand sanitizer!"my mom and i both laugh, and then my dad says, "i thought that was the strangest men's restroom i've ever been in. there weren't any urinals!"
later we figured out that if you come into the restaurant and see the signs for the restroom, there is a part of a wall sticking out to where you can only seen "men" and not the "wo" of "women". this is what my dad saw, but no matter why he went into the women's restroom, it's one of our favorite family stories to this day!
so, i'll go for one of my funniest stories of all time. for once, it won't be about me falling or something dumb like that, which would (and does) make for a funny story. this story is about my dad, and it happened about five years ago.
for almost all of my childhood, my parents and i would meet my BM's (birth mom) parents somewhere in north georgia, usually around the rome area, once or twice a year. it was the halfway point between augusta and huntsville. we usually would meet around Christmas, so we would spend the day together and exchange Christmas presents. this year was no different, and we pulled into a cracker barrel parking lot on a cold, december saturday morning and realized we were the first ones there. my mom and i were trying to find our purses and such, and my dad really had to go to the bathroom, so he went on into the restaurant.
mom and i followed maybe two minutes after dad had gone inside, and we too decided to go to the bathroom. mom was before me, and she went into the first available stall. i went into the next one and saw that there was something nasty in the toilet, so i said the the ladies behind me, "that one is gross." i went to the last stall, the handicapped stall, and saw someone STANDING up going to the bathroom. quickly, i realized it was my FATHER.
i shut the door as fast as i could, and one of the ladies behind me asked, "is that one gross, too?" i shook my head and said, "no, someone's in there." the ladies both gave me odd looks, and i held onto the door as tight as i could. i turned to look in the crack as my dad was finished, and he says to me, "ashton, what are you doing in the men's restroom?" i said, "this is the women's restroom." my dad gave me this look that said, "crap. how am i going to get out of this one?"
after what seemed like an eternity to both me and my dad, he decided to make his exit. he pushes through the door, looks at the other two ladies and says, "i'm so sorry. i thought this was the men's restroom," and proceeds to exit as fast as he possibly could. the ladies look at me with even more confused looks, and then i hear my mom say, "ashton, was that your father?". i was utterly embarrassed, but i said, "yes," and i proceeded to enter into the same stall that my dad had just left.
my mom and i finish going to the bathroom, and we head back out to the restaurant. we finally find my dad, and my mom asks him, "carter, did you wash your hands?" he looks at her like she's crazy and says, "no, i went out to the car and used some hand sanitizer!"my mom and i both laugh, and then my dad says, "i thought that was the strangest men's restroom i've ever been in. there weren't any urinals!"
later we figured out that if you come into the restaurant and see the signs for the restroom, there is a part of a wall sticking out to where you can only seen "men" and not the "wo" of "women". this is what my dad saw, but no matter why he went into the women's restroom, it's one of our favorite family stories to this day!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
they left me.
So, this morning, my parents left for the beach. Without me.
This isn't too unusual. They've gone to HHI plenty of times without me. They went last month. Ever since I started driving, they started going to the beach while I was at summer camp or during other times in the year. I usually don't mind. I'm not a huge beach fan, especially when all they do is sit at the beach all day long. But, this time was a little different, and I was slightly offended yesterday afternoon when my mom told me she and my dad were off for the rest of the week because they were probably going to the beach.
Why was I (and still am) offended you ask? BECAUSE I'M STUCK IN THIS BOOT AND CANNOT DRIVE.
Seriously, if I get stuck somewhere, who is going to pick me up if my parents are three hours away? And, I guess there is a part of me that just wants to get out of this town. Okay, there's a HUGE part of me that wants to get out of the good ol' AUG. Their reasoning for not taking me? Someone has to take care of the dog, and naturally that would be me. Thanks, Carter and Robin. Preciate it.
On another note, I went to the doctor yesterday, and my ankle is "healing properly". I go back in three weeks, and hopefully a week after that I get to take the boot off. I'm so ready to get this thing off and be able to drive. Not only do I hate asking people to pick me up or take me home, but I really miss my alone time in the car. I do all of my thinking then. And I miss listening to what I want to listen to in the car. And I really miss my car smelling like a girl. Silly boys and their smells. I really, really miss driving.
Last week was VBS, and I got to be in a first grade classroom. They were so much fun! One of my boys gave ALL of his piggy bank money to our missions offering, and I was so blessed by his obedience to the Lord. I also had one of my favorite kiddos ever in my class, Sarah Beth. SB's mom is Casie's best friend (Casie is my old boss/big sister, etc). I love SB. She's one of the cutest and most hilarious kids I've ever met. She was also in my small group, and I loved getting to spend time with her!
This isn't too unusual. They've gone to HHI plenty of times without me. They went last month. Ever since I started driving, they started going to the beach while I was at summer camp or during other times in the year. I usually don't mind. I'm not a huge beach fan, especially when all they do is sit at the beach all day long. But, this time was a little different, and I was slightly offended yesterday afternoon when my mom told me she and my dad were off for the rest of the week because they were probably going to the beach.
Why was I (and still am) offended you ask? BECAUSE I'M STUCK IN THIS BOOT AND CANNOT DRIVE.
Seriously, if I get stuck somewhere, who is going to pick me up if my parents are three hours away? And, I guess there is a part of me that just wants to get out of this town. Okay, there's a HUGE part of me that wants to get out of the good ol' AUG. Their reasoning for not taking me? Someone has to take care of the dog, and naturally that would be me. Thanks, Carter and Robin. Preciate it.
On another note, I went to the doctor yesterday, and my ankle is "healing properly". I go back in three weeks, and hopefully a week after that I get to take the boot off. I'm so ready to get this thing off and be able to drive. Not only do I hate asking people to pick me up or take me home, but I really miss my alone time in the car. I do all of my thinking then. And I miss listening to what I want to listen to in the car. And I really miss my car smelling like a girl. Silly boys and their smells. I really, really miss driving.
Last week was VBS, and I got to be in a first grade classroom. They were so much fun! One of my boys gave ALL of his piggy bank money to our missions offering, and I was so blessed by his obedience to the Lord. I also had one of my favorite kiddos ever in my class, Sarah Beth. SB's mom is Casie's best friend (Casie is my old boss/big sister, etc). I love SB. She's one of the cutest and most hilarious kids I've ever met. She was also in my small group, and I loved getting to spend time with her!
SB and me at crafts one day!
There were lots and lots and lots of high school and middle school events last week and this week, so as interns, we spent TONS of time with students (and hanging out without them). I love hanging out with students and getting to do life with them. That's the whole reason of getting to be an intern--being able to love on students and show them the love of Christ. I just so love it. Anyway, last Saturday we went to a Green Jackets game, and it was lots of fun...until a huge storm came and we had to leave during the third inning. It was still a good night though, and we ended up hanging out at my house to escape the storm (there's something up with GA and these random storms we keep having).
Clara, Leah, Tyler, and I at the game.
One student, three I said, us interns like hanging out together!
(There were more students there; one even took this!)
Tomorrow we have a small group leadership dinner to get ready for the fall. I'm really excited because the youth group is shifting into separate middle and high school ministries, and we're going from Sunday school classes to table groups. This allows a leader to really get involved in the lives of students on a more personal level, and I'm super pumped because I get to be one! I'm more than likely starting with a group of eighth graders, staying with them for a year, and then getting a group of sixth graders next year to have for three years. I can't wait to really have my own small group of girls to pour into.
The Lord's been teaching me LOTS this summer, and even though it's not what I had planned originally, I'm grateful for what He's doing in my life this summer.
seven day blog challenge, day six.
day six: two things you want
1. to be able to look back on my life and say that i have no regrets, that i tried my hardest to do everything to glorify the Lord, and to be content where God has taken me in my life.
2. to live in a foreign country for some period of time and use my job (which will more than likely be teaching) in a way that will further the Kingdom of God in that area.
1. to be able to look back on my life and say that i have no regrets, that i tried my hardest to do everything to glorify the Lord, and to be content where God has taken me in my life.
2. to live in a foreign country for some period of time and use my job (which will more than likely be teaching) in a way that will further the Kingdom of God in that area.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
seven day blog challenge, day five.
day five: three things you miss
1. the community i had in high school--solid teachers, biblical teaching, and a positive environment
2. driving; i know it's a privilege to have a car and to be able to drive it, so i should be thankful that i even have that opportunity, but i miss it SO much. this boot can't get off fast enough!
3. my grandpa; not to get all sappy or anything, but i miss that man more than anyone else! he was by far one of my favorite people in the whole world, and he was my biggest fan in life. miss him tons.
1. the community i had in high school--solid teachers, biblical teaching, and a positive environment
2. driving; i know it's a privilege to have a car and to be able to drive it, so i should be thankful that i even have that opportunity, but i miss it SO much. this boot can't get off fast enough!
3. my grandpa; not to get all sappy or anything, but i miss that man more than anyone else! he was by far one of my favorite people in the whole world, and he was my biggest fan in life. miss him tons.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
seven day blog challenge, day four.
day four: four confessions
1. i'm a sucker for Christian fiction (and i'm super happy one of my favorite authors has a book that comes out TODAY)
2. i'm sort of addicted to shopping at Target
3. i hate not being in control of things/knowing what's going on
4. if the Lord allows, i cannot wait to be a wife and mom; it's seriously all i've ever wanted to be!
1. i'm a sucker for Christian fiction (and i'm super happy one of my favorite authors has a book that comes out TODAY)
2. i'm sort of addicted to shopping at Target
3. i hate not being in control of things/knowing what's going on
4. if the Lord allows, i cannot wait to be a wife and mom; it's seriously all i've ever wanted to be!
Monday, June 20, 2011
i just want to SCREAM!
and i have. one of the joys of living alone is that you can scream to your heart's desire, and no one will judge you for it (except for maybe your neighbors). i have been on one crazy emotional roller coaster over the past two weeks, and i am really just ready for life to get back to normal.
at this very time two weeks ago, i was sitting on a picnic table in Asheville while numerous CCC staff members were around me trying to figure out what to do with me and my foot. little did i know that God would be bringing me back to Augusta just 24 hours later. it's crazy to me to think that CCC is now in it's second week of summer camp, and i'm at home, not getting to be apart of it.
at this very time a week ago, everything had gotten to me. the tears that i had been holding inside for the past week or so were ready to come out, but i wouldn't let them. my life had done a complete 180, and i was sitting in my house with Tyler and Leah eating lunch. i really didn't think i would do that this summer, let alone spend most of my summer as a "crip" (my nickname given to me by more than one friend) who can't drive.
last week was just stressful. there's no other way to put it. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were pretty good days. i got a lot done in my house, we had a cookout on Sunday night, and lots of hanging out was done at my house. but then Wednesday came. i guess it was just my breaking point. i ended up SOBBING that night with my boss, Drew, and it was good to get everything out. it was still just a really rough day, and i ended up spending the night with some friends because i didn't want to be alone. my keys got lost, i was stuck in an awkward place with two friends, and a huge storm came through Augusta that tore my mailbox in two!
i was ready for the weekend, so that i could get away from all the drama i have been placed in. it's so hard for me, because i keep thinking, "if i were in Asheville, i wouldn't have to deal with this." i know that God has a reason for every single thing He's doing, but it's so so so hard for me to remember that sometimes. especially when crazy things go wrong. the keys ended up being found, and the mailbox got fixed (i should've taken a picture of that thing before and after; it looks crazy good now). i ended up getting to hang out with my two favorite Chelseas over the weekend, and i am SO beyond grateful for that time with them. a few of us went to a GreenJackets game on Saturday night, and besides having to leave after three innings due to the rain, it was a fun night. but, like a roller coaster, the fun eventually ends.
before i left for camp, i wrote a post and i talked about not getting to be apart of the "unit" of interns and student ministry staff this summer. now that i am, i find myself looking on the other side of the fence and asking the "what if" questions. there have been times this past week that i HATE what i'm doing, and that i HATE being in Augusta. right now, i wish i was far far away from Augusta and that little "unit". but there's this other part of me that hates that i feel that way and remembers what a blessing it is to be apart of that "unit". i think the past two days have been super frustrating and hard, so instead of facing the problem head on, i want to run away from it.
i still don't know WHAT God's trying to teach me right now. but, i was going through some stuff the other day and found this quote and i love it. it says, "Seasons change. God never does."
at this very time two weeks ago, i was sitting on a picnic table in Asheville while numerous CCC staff members were around me trying to figure out what to do with me and my foot. little did i know that God would be bringing me back to Augusta just 24 hours later. it's crazy to me to think that CCC is now in it's second week of summer camp, and i'm at home, not getting to be apart of it.
at this very time a week ago, everything had gotten to me. the tears that i had been holding inside for the past week or so were ready to come out, but i wouldn't let them. my life had done a complete 180, and i was sitting in my house with Tyler and Leah eating lunch. i really didn't think i would do that this summer, let alone spend most of my summer as a "crip" (my nickname given to me by more than one friend) who can't drive.
last week was just stressful. there's no other way to put it. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were pretty good days. i got a lot done in my house, we had a cookout on Sunday night, and lots of hanging out was done at my house. but then Wednesday came. i guess it was just my breaking point. i ended up SOBBING that night with my boss, Drew, and it was good to get everything out. it was still just a really rough day, and i ended up spending the night with some friends because i didn't want to be alone. my keys got lost, i was stuck in an awkward place with two friends, and a huge storm came through Augusta that tore my mailbox in two!
i was ready for the weekend, so that i could get away from all the drama i have been placed in. it's so hard for me, because i keep thinking, "if i were in Asheville, i wouldn't have to deal with this." i know that God has a reason for every single thing He's doing, but it's so so so hard for me to remember that sometimes. especially when crazy things go wrong. the keys ended up being found, and the mailbox got fixed (i should've taken a picture of that thing before and after; it looks crazy good now). i ended up getting to hang out with my two favorite Chelseas over the weekend, and i am SO beyond grateful for that time with them. a few of us went to a GreenJackets game on Saturday night, and besides having to leave after three innings due to the rain, it was a fun night. but, like a roller coaster, the fun eventually ends.
before i left for camp, i wrote a post and i talked about not getting to be apart of the "unit" of interns and student ministry staff this summer. now that i am, i find myself looking on the other side of the fence and asking the "what if" questions. there have been times this past week that i HATE what i'm doing, and that i HATE being in Augusta. right now, i wish i was far far away from Augusta and that little "unit". but there's this other part of me that hates that i feel that way and remembers what a blessing it is to be apart of that "unit". i think the past two days have been super frustrating and hard, so instead of facing the problem head on, i want to run away from it.
i still don't know WHAT God's trying to teach me right now. but, i was going through some stuff the other day and found this quote and i love it. it says, "Seasons change. God never does."
Broken Ankle,
Life Lessons,
Student Ministry
seven day blog challenge, day three.
day three: five things you dislike
1. typos and grammatical errors
2. clutter and disorganization
3. foul language
4. my control issues
5. bad coffee (random, i know, but i bought the wrong kind the other day and it has been added to my dislike list)
1. typos and grammatical errors
2. clutter and disorganization
3. foul language
4. my control issues
5. bad coffee (random, i know, but i bought the wrong kind the other day and it has been added to my dislike list)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
seven day blog challenge, day two.
day two: six things you love
1. my Savior Jesus Christ, my amazing family, and my superb friends
2. my BlackBerry, i'll admit that i adore it
3. my new HOUSE!!!
4. Target, yep, I'm a tad obsessed
5. spending some quality time investing in younger girls and being invested in by older women
6. pictures, especially of those closest to me
1. my Savior Jesus Christ, my amazing family, and my superb friends
2. my BlackBerry, i'll admit that i adore it
3. my new HOUSE!!!
4. Target, yep, I'm a tad obsessed
5. spending some quality time investing in younger girls and being invested in by older women
6. pictures, especially of those closest to me
Saturday, June 18, 2011
seven day blog challenge, day one.
i've come across a few blogs lately where people are doing blog challenges. i couldn't find one of those thirty day ones that i really liked, so i decided to commit to something simple like this week long one.
day one: seven things that cross your mind a lot
1. How much longer can I sleep and NOT be late?
2. I should've gotten up earlier.
3. Do I need to buy this or do I just want it?
4. I really want a coke.
5. Why will my mom not answer her phone?
6. Oh, I'm going to be late.
7. I spent way too much money at Target the other day.
day one: seven things that cross your mind a lot
1. How much longer can I sleep and NOT be late?
2. I should've gotten up earlier.
3. Do I need to buy this or do I just want it?
4. I really want a coke.
5. Why will my mom not answer her phone?
6. Oh, I'm going to be late.
7. I spent way too much money at Target the other day.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Why am I in Augusta?!?
So, this past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. I have been on some super highs, and I have also been on some super lows. One question that I asked my friend Tyler the other day has really stuck with me over the past few days. The question is, "Why am I in Augusta dealing with the things I'm dealing with?"
I so want to know the heart of God in this journey I'm walking in right now. Why did He bring me home? What's the point? If I was in Asheville at camp, the things that are major distractions to me right now would be in the back of my mind. I'm just in a huge funk. Satan's attacking me in almost every direction, and I absolutely HATE it.
I'm a control freak. I'll admit it. I've gotten better over the years, but it's still something I struggle with a lot. During this time of my life, I'm having to rely on other people to do simple things like take me to work and church or even take me to the store. I hate it. If people are at my house (which they have been a lot lately), they won't let me do certain things, which is for my own benefit, but I'm SO independent that it kills me. I can't even take a quick trip to Target without someone else because I can't drive. Again, I hate it.
I know the Lord is really using this time to shape me into a woman that is after His own heart. I've been reminded time and time again by so many people here in Augusta that there is a reason I'm home. The other day that reason was for me to love on some sweet middle school girls and share the Word with them. Today that reason was for me to join in on fellowship with the high schoolers after VBS. My pastor preached on Ecclesiastes 3 this past Sunday morning, and his message was just what I needed. Like Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything." Later on in the chapter in verse eleven it says, "He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end." These are two verses that I'm holding onto right now in this time in my life.
I have a feeling that one day I'll look back on this time and remember it as one of the greatest times in my relationship with the Lord. If anything, I've learned how to rely on Him and how to go to Him with all of my needs. He's allowing me to walk some hard things right now from a broken ankle to relationship issues. The middle school girls' Bible study that I (now) get to help lead is about Philippians. Philippians 1 is about "joy in the journey". I prepared this study for them on one of the harder days I've had this past week. I was so encouraged by Philippians 1:6 where Paul says, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
There are some areas of my life right now where I am beyond confused about what is going on. There are people in my life right now that I never would've imagined being there nor imagined God using them SO much. I'm making some new and good friends, and I'm walking through some tough stuff with some of my old friends. Yet, despite all of these things, I'm claiming to one HUGE promise that the Lord has for all of us which is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future."
I so want to know the heart of God in this journey I'm walking in right now. Why did He bring me home? What's the point? If I was in Asheville at camp, the things that are major distractions to me right now would be in the back of my mind. I'm just in a huge funk. Satan's attacking me in almost every direction, and I absolutely HATE it.
I'm a control freak. I'll admit it. I've gotten better over the years, but it's still something I struggle with a lot. During this time of my life, I'm having to rely on other people to do simple things like take me to work and church or even take me to the store. I hate it. If people are at my house (which they have been a lot lately), they won't let me do certain things, which is for my own benefit, but I'm SO independent that it kills me. I can't even take a quick trip to Target without someone else because I can't drive. Again, I hate it.
I know the Lord is really using this time to shape me into a woman that is after His own heart. I've been reminded time and time again by so many people here in Augusta that there is a reason I'm home. The other day that reason was for me to love on some sweet middle school girls and share the Word with them. Today that reason was for me to join in on fellowship with the high schoolers after VBS. My pastor preached on Ecclesiastes 3 this past Sunday morning, and his message was just what I needed. Like Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything." Later on in the chapter in verse eleven it says, "He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end." These are two verses that I'm holding onto right now in this time in my life.
I have a feeling that one day I'll look back on this time and remember it as one of the greatest times in my relationship with the Lord. If anything, I've learned how to rely on Him and how to go to Him with all of my needs. He's allowing me to walk some hard things right now from a broken ankle to relationship issues. The middle school girls' Bible study that I (now) get to help lead is about Philippians. Philippians 1 is about "joy in the journey". I prepared this study for them on one of the harder days I've had this past week. I was so encouraged by Philippians 1:6 where Paul says, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
There are some areas of my life right now where I am beyond confused about what is going on. There are people in my life right now that I never would've imagined being there nor imagined God using them SO much. I'm making some new and good friends, and I'm walking through some tough stuff with some of my old friends. Yet, despite all of these things, I'm claiming to one HUGE promise that the Lord has for all of us which is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future."
Broken Ankle,
Life Lessons,
Student Ministry
Friday, June 10, 2011
i really think God has a sense of humor.
i mean, He has to. if we're all created in HIS image, wouldn't HE be funny if there are people made by Him that are hilarious? God has been doing some things in my life lately that just make me want to laugh!
first, i break my ankle. i mean, who does that besides me? i'm a huge klutz, and i would be the one to go away for six weeks only to come home three days later with a broken ankle. God had me laughing a little bit there.
then, i come home only to hang out with some people that i don't really know all that well. i've been hanging out with people that i never ever dreamed of hanging out with let alone having them come to my house for dinner. God's sense of humor is just getting to me these days.
besides those things plus a few more, God's just been throwing me some curveballs lately in this game called life. my summer is going in the complete opposite direction of how i planned, and i'm honestly okay with that. i don't know what to do in some ways, but at the same time, i'm loving just hanging out and going with the flow.
i'm learning to be okay and content with the people God has in my life right now, for this season. even though i don't know why on earth they're in my life right now, i'm cool with it. God's teaching me lots of things, and He's having me walk through this time for a reason. i think His sense of humor--or irony--has something to do with it. and that's fine by me.
first, i break my ankle. i mean, who does that besides me? i'm a huge klutz, and i would be the one to go away for six weeks only to come home three days later with a broken ankle. God had me laughing a little bit there.
then, i come home only to hang out with some people that i don't really know all that well. i've been hanging out with people that i never ever dreamed of hanging out with let alone having them come to my house for dinner. God's sense of humor is just getting to me these days.
besides those things plus a few more, God's just been throwing me some curveballs lately in this game called life. my summer is going in the complete opposite direction of how i planned, and i'm honestly okay with that. i don't know what to do in some ways, but at the same time, i'm loving just hanging out and going with the flow.
i'm learning to be okay and content with the people God has in my life right now, for this season. even though i don't know why on earth they're in my life right now, i'm cool with it. God's teaching me lots of things, and He's having me walk through this time for a reason. i think His sense of humor--or irony--has something to do with it. and that's fine by me.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
"so, like what are you going to do now?"
this was a question asked by one of the interns today at lunch. he politely asked me what i was going to do with my summer now that i'm not at camp. my answer: i have no idea.
and i really don't. i can't drive, and i can barely work because i wasn't scheduled to work so i have to take random shifts when they give them to me. i can't go anywhere unless i know i'll have a ride to and from wherever i'm going, and that's already been a hassle/struggle. i don't know what i'm going to do.
i got home Tuesday, and Leah and Tyler, my youth pastor's brother, came over. Tyler's driving my car for the next few weeks, and Leah was bringing him over so that he could get it. they spent a few hours with me, and it was lots of fun! i was really thankful they could come over. on Wednesday, i spent the morning trying to get an appointment with the ortho doc here in town, and once i finally got one, my mom and i spent over 2 hours waiting to be seen. i got a boot (hallelujah) that i have to wear for six weeks. i'm just so happy it's not a cast and crutches! my mom took me to Leah, and we went and hung out with Micah, my youth pastor's wife, for the night. Tyler picked me up this morning, and i interned all day. i'm at home now with my foot propped up because it hurts a lot!
i'm having to really trust that God knows what He's doing. i hate asking people for rides, and i feel like i'm such a huge inconvenience. plus, i can never go anywhere on my time. so i can't just run to the store if i feel the need. i'm already ready for these six weeks to be over.
i think i'll spend a lot of time interning and hanging out in the student office. i'm thinking about moving into my house because i'll be ten times closer to everything then at my parents' house. i have no clue what God's doing, but i'm clinging to the promise that He has a plan for me and a hope and future.
and i really don't. i can't drive, and i can barely work because i wasn't scheduled to work so i have to take random shifts when they give them to me. i can't go anywhere unless i know i'll have a ride to and from wherever i'm going, and that's already been a hassle/struggle. i don't know what i'm going to do.
i got home Tuesday, and Leah and Tyler, my youth pastor's brother, came over. Tyler's driving my car for the next few weeks, and Leah was bringing him over so that he could get it. they spent a few hours with me, and it was lots of fun! i was really thankful they could come over. on Wednesday, i spent the morning trying to get an appointment with the ortho doc here in town, and once i finally got one, my mom and i spent over 2 hours waiting to be seen. i got a boot (hallelujah) that i have to wear for six weeks. i'm just so happy it's not a cast and crutches! my mom took me to Leah, and we went and hung out with Micah, my youth pastor's wife, for the night. Tyler picked me up this morning, and i interned all day. i'm at home now with my foot propped up because it hurts a lot!
i'm having to really trust that God knows what He's doing. i hate asking people for rides, and i feel like i'm such a huge inconvenience. plus, i can never go anywhere on my time. so i can't just run to the store if i feel the need. i'm already ready for these six weeks to be over.
i think i'll spend a lot of time interning and hanging out in the student office. i'm thinking about moving into my house because i'll be ten times closer to everything then at my parents' house. i have no clue what God's doing, but i'm clinging to the promise that He has a plan for me and a hope and future.
Broken Ankle,
Life Lessons,
Student Ministry
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
i didn't even get my staff shirt!
i left for camp on Saturday morning. it was surreal, in a way. i got to sleep in, because i didn't have to be at camp until 4 PM. i enjoyed taking my time getting ready, spending some last moments with my family, and eating some comfort food (frozen yogurt tubes from Kroger). i got to camp, and i was a little nervous, but i was so excited!
i pulled in, unloaded all my stuff, and got on a bus where i met a girl named Courtney. she's super duper sweet, and she's a senior counselor doing day camp like i was. i met a few other people who were just awesome. people that i wanted to become best friends with because they were so sweet, and i could see the love of Christ shining through them.
we did a lot of training that night, played random games where we could meet everyone, ate, and hung out a lot (i even met a fellow Auburn fan!). on Sunday, we had a speaker come in. she used to be a counselor at camp, and she had lots of wisdom that she shared with us. the rest of the day was super fun and enjoyable. we were split up into groups the night before, and we spent a lot of time with our groups on Sunday. i loved my group, and i really enjoyed the time we got to spend together learning about different things at camp.
on Monday, we got up, and then all the senior counselors headed to hike the rappel trail. i hate the rappel trail. i've hiked it once before, and i was so not looking forward to doing this again. it's steep. it's long. it's a mountain for crying out loud. then i found out we were climbing a DIFFERENT trail, one that is STEEPER than the old one. oh, i was so dreading this hike (this is why i chose to do day camp, they don't do stuff like this!). so, after taking some breaks and drinking almost all of my camelbak and panting a lot, i finally made it to the rappel site. i felt gross and nasty, but i was there. i got to chat with some people, including my "Georgia" buddy, Ellie (love her), lots. it was super fun, but i was ready to get back down to camp so i could eat lunch.
the way down the trail is all downhill, but it's pretty steep and rocky and it's hard to get your footing. i was maybe 100 yards from the rappel site, and i tripped on something. who knows, i could've just tripped. and all of a sudden, i heard my ankle pop. it sounded nasty! hours later, after x-rays and tons of ice, the doctor comes into the exam room, and says, "well, you broke it." the worst words i've ever had to hear (okay, maybe not, but for right now they are). i came back to camp, and i'm put in the comfort cabin, and Jen (one of the full-time staff) says to me, "Ashton, if you have to have a cast for six weeks, there's no way you can be a counselor."
i didn't cry. at this point, i did want to be home with my ridiculously swollen ankle, but i didn't want to leave. i was loving hanging out with the new friends i had made, and i was so ready to see where God was going to take me this summer at CCC. but, obviously He had different plans, and i'm having to be okay with that. i got to spend some time with Abby (another full-time staff) last night while she brought me food and anything else i needed since everyone else was on the camp out (not too sad about missing that one). i really enjoyed that time getting to know Abby, but i wish it had been under different circumstances.
this morning, i woke up and managed to take a shower (thanks to the handicapped bathroom i got to use), and i got to watch the staff perform their skits (so fun). then, my parents got there to pick me up. i said my goodbyes, all the full-time staff told me to stay in touch and to visit if i can, and then i left to come back home. i spent most of the time in the car talking to doctors in augusta and asheville and staff at camp trying to figure out worker's comp stuff (SO BEYOND FRUSTRATING). hopefully, i'll be able to get my cast on tomorrow.
it hit me once i got home, and i cried for like three minutes. but that was it. right now, i'm trusting in this verse, "watch and be utterly amazed. for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." - habakkuk 1:5
and yes, i'm really said i didn't even get my staff shirt!
i pulled in, unloaded all my stuff, and got on a bus where i met a girl named Courtney. she's super duper sweet, and she's a senior counselor doing day camp like i was. i met a few other people who were just awesome. people that i wanted to become best friends with because they were so sweet, and i could see the love of Christ shining through them.
we did a lot of training that night, played random games where we could meet everyone, ate, and hung out a lot (i even met a fellow Auburn fan!). on Sunday, we had a speaker come in. she used to be a counselor at camp, and she had lots of wisdom that she shared with us. the rest of the day was super fun and enjoyable. we were split up into groups the night before, and we spent a lot of time with our groups on Sunday. i loved my group, and i really enjoyed the time we got to spend together learning about different things at camp.
on Monday, we got up, and then all the senior counselors headed to hike the rappel trail. i hate the rappel trail. i've hiked it once before, and i was so not looking forward to doing this again. it's steep. it's long. it's a mountain for crying out loud. then i found out we were climbing a DIFFERENT trail, one that is STEEPER than the old one. oh, i was so dreading this hike (this is why i chose to do day camp, they don't do stuff like this!). so, after taking some breaks and drinking almost all of my camelbak and panting a lot, i finally made it to the rappel site. i felt gross and nasty, but i was there. i got to chat with some people, including my "Georgia" buddy, Ellie (love her), lots. it was super fun, but i was ready to get back down to camp so i could eat lunch.
the way down the trail is all downhill, but it's pretty steep and rocky and it's hard to get your footing. i was maybe 100 yards from the rappel site, and i tripped on something. who knows, i could've just tripped. and all of a sudden, i heard my ankle pop. it sounded nasty! hours later, after x-rays and tons of ice, the doctor comes into the exam room, and says, "well, you broke it." the worst words i've ever had to hear (okay, maybe not, but for right now they are). i came back to camp, and i'm put in the comfort cabin, and Jen (one of the full-time staff) says to me, "Ashton, if you have to have a cast for six weeks, there's no way you can be a counselor."
i didn't cry. at this point, i did want to be home with my ridiculously swollen ankle, but i didn't want to leave. i was loving hanging out with the new friends i had made, and i was so ready to see where God was going to take me this summer at CCC. but, obviously He had different plans, and i'm having to be okay with that. i got to spend some time with Abby (another full-time staff) last night while she brought me food and anything else i needed since everyone else was on the camp out (not too sad about missing that one). i really enjoyed that time getting to know Abby, but i wish it had been under different circumstances.
this morning, i woke up and managed to take a shower (thanks to the handicapped bathroom i got to use), and i got to watch the staff perform their skits (so fun). then, my parents got there to pick me up. i said my goodbyes, all the full-time staff told me to stay in touch and to visit if i can, and then i left to come back home. i spent most of the time in the car talking to doctors in augusta and asheville and staff at camp trying to figure out worker's comp stuff (SO BEYOND FRUSTRATING). hopefully, i'll be able to get my cast on tomorrow.
it hit me once i got home, and i cried for like three minutes. but that was it. right now, i'm trusting in this verse, "watch and be utterly amazed. for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." - habakkuk 1:5
and yes, i'm really said i didn't even get my staff shirt!
Friday, June 3, 2011
for the next six weeks...
...i won't be seeing this sweet boy:
got to pick this boy up from "school" (Mother's Day Out) yesterday.
wasn't too excited to see me, but was thrilled to see "Luce" (my dog, Lucy).
oh well, i got a kiss and a "squeeze" (hug) out of it anyway!
i won't be making random shopping trips with this girl:
we wore the same shirt on the day they all left for camp!
minutes after this was taken i cried.
excited to hear the stories, sad to not be apart of it,
ready for where God takes me while at CCC.
i won't be staring at this sucker from 12-6 on Wednesdays and 12-7 on Fridays:
the elevator directly across from the front desk at work.
let's just say i'm NOT too sad about not seeing this for the next six weeks.
i won't have to fold these:
the bucket full of clean towels at work that i folded this afternoon.
again, not real sad about this one either.
i won't be seeing the girl who did this superb parking job last night at Target:
nice, MB.
made me smile.
i won't be seeing this lovely place:
my room at my new house.
*still a work in progress*
i won't be seeing any of the things mentioned above or any of my friends and family, but i WILL be seeing God work in some cool ways. i'm so pumped about that! if you have a free minute or two, please lift me up over the next six weeks. i know i'll need it! thanks, friends!
i made this for Leah the other day:
she wanted it to say "Pass It On", so no,
I didn't accidentally put a "T" in the middle of passion like my mom thought I did.
i did this with pastels, and i'm really proud of the way it turned out!
*all photos taken via BlackBerry.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
i cried all the way home.
all of my friends know me as the crier. i'm a girl, so that's part of my excuse. but also, i'm emotional and moody, and i cry a lot.
i cry all the time.
and, when i cry, it tends to be at the most inopportune times. when we were in Panama last summer, i cried throughout one of our drama performances. it was sort of awkward when we're standing in our small groups praying while our group isn't performing, and i'm over there bawling my eyes out. i've cried in class more than once. like throughout the whole class. i've cried at work way too many times. my boss, Drew, once said that he's only gone through one box of tissues in his entire life, and more than half of that box was used by me one day when i was crying. i cried last week in the youth office after i ran Grant's truck into another truck, and i've cried in the youth office at least two times before.
seriously, i cry all the time.
so, this morning, when i got up (super duper early) to go see the youth off for camp, i was partially expecting tears. today was the last day i would see some of my friends for over six weeks. these are friends that i'm with almost everyday, so i've been dreading having to say goodbye. all of us interns do our jobs, get the kids on the bus, and then it was time for the 3 other interns to get on the bus and me to stay behind. i said goodbye to our one guy intern and another one of my guy friends pretty easily, but then it was time to say bye to Leah.
just some info on mine and Leah's friendship: she's my best friend (duh), but she's more than just that. Leah's really like the sister i never had. we're open and honest with each other about everything; she says things that make me laugh on a daily basis, and she listens to me vent about my problems almost every day. Leah knows me better than anyone else (besides Jesus and my parents), and i really don't know how i'm going to get through six weeks without seeing her (i'm trying to bribe my parents into bringing her with them when they come see me).
i hug Leah as best as i can (she hates hugs), then go stand with the parents by the busses to wave at them as they drive away. John and Grant both give me high fives/fist pumps and say, "Have fun! We'll miss you." right before they drive away, i realize i can't deal with it anymore, and i go inside the student building to clean up. and that's when the tears starting flowing. i cried for almost a solid thirty minutes after they left.
once i got home and then got back in the car with my mom (i was still crying), she was trying to figure out what exactly had me crying besides the fact that i would miss my friends. i think the biggest thing is that i'm sad that i've ALWAYS wanted to be a youth intern (another post for another day), and now i've had the opportunity to do that for a little bit. yesterday, we were at work from 10-7:30ish working on camp stuff. almost ten hours. it was a times stressful and overwhelming, but all of the interns had such a FUN day. i laughed lots, and after work, a bunch of us, including one intern and Grant, went out to dinner for Leah's birthday. we just had so much fun together, even after work. we had started to become a little unit.
a unit i'm not going to be apart of since i'll be at camp.
when i get back in July, i'll have a month left before school that i'll be able to intern. Grant's all for this. but, it's still sad to me knowing that i'll be missing out on six weeks of bonding, relationship building, memories, etc. again, i know God has me at CCC for a reason this summer, but it's so hard for me to see it. i don't think i will until i'm at camp or even after camp.
i'm praying for the interns and youth staff and what God's going to do in and through them this week in the lives of students whom i adore. while doing this, i'm trusting that God has a plan for me at camp. He knows what He's doing, even when i cry all the way home.
i cry all the time.
and, when i cry, it tends to be at the most inopportune times. when we were in Panama last summer, i cried throughout one of our drama performances. it was sort of awkward when we're standing in our small groups praying while our group isn't performing, and i'm over there bawling my eyes out. i've cried in class more than once. like throughout the whole class. i've cried at work way too many times. my boss, Drew, once said that he's only gone through one box of tissues in his entire life, and more than half of that box was used by me one day when i was crying. i cried last week in the youth office after i ran Grant's truck into another truck, and i've cried in the youth office at least two times before.
seriously, i cry all the time.
so, this morning, when i got up (super duper early) to go see the youth off for camp, i was partially expecting tears. today was the last day i would see some of my friends for over six weeks. these are friends that i'm with almost everyday, so i've been dreading having to say goodbye. all of us interns do our jobs, get the kids on the bus, and then it was time for the 3 other interns to get on the bus and me to stay behind. i said goodbye to our one guy intern and another one of my guy friends pretty easily, but then it was time to say bye to Leah.
just some info on mine and Leah's friendship: she's my best friend (duh), but she's more than just that. Leah's really like the sister i never had. we're open and honest with each other about everything; she says things that make me laugh on a daily basis, and she listens to me vent about my problems almost every day. Leah knows me better than anyone else (besides Jesus and my parents), and i really don't know how i'm going to get through six weeks without seeing her (i'm trying to bribe my parents into bringing her with them when they come see me).
i hug Leah as best as i can (she hates hugs), then go stand with the parents by the busses to wave at them as they drive away. John and Grant both give me high fives/fist pumps and say, "Have fun! We'll miss you." right before they drive away, i realize i can't deal with it anymore, and i go inside the student building to clean up. and that's when the tears starting flowing. i cried for almost a solid thirty minutes after they left.
once i got home and then got back in the car with my mom (i was still crying), she was trying to figure out what exactly had me crying besides the fact that i would miss my friends. i think the biggest thing is that i'm sad that i've ALWAYS wanted to be a youth intern (another post for another day), and now i've had the opportunity to do that for a little bit. yesterday, we were at work from 10-7:30ish working on camp stuff. almost ten hours. it was a times stressful and overwhelming, but all of the interns had such a FUN day. i laughed lots, and after work, a bunch of us, including one intern and Grant, went out to dinner for Leah's birthday. we just had so much fun together, even after work. we had started to become a little unit.
a unit i'm not going to be apart of since i'll be at camp.
when i get back in July, i'll have a month left before school that i'll be able to intern. Grant's all for this. but, it's still sad to me knowing that i'll be missing out on six weeks of bonding, relationship building, memories, etc. again, i know God has me at CCC for a reason this summer, but it's so hard for me to see it. i don't think i will until i'm at camp or even after camp.
i'm praying for the interns and youth staff and what God's going to do in and through them this week in the lives of students whom i adore. while doing this, i'm trusting that God has a plan for me at camp. He knows what He's doing, even when i cry all the way home.
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