Friday, July 29, 2011

Sneezing & Coughing & Blowing My Nose.

I've gone through five boxes of tissues in the last seven days. Five boxes of tissues. Let's just say that I never want to see a tissue EVER again. I hate being sick in the summer!

I got a cold from my dear favorite nephew, Jack. If anyone else had coughed in my face a few times like he did, I would've been mad. But, he's got the cutest face in the world, and hearing him say "I love you, Ash Ash" definitely makes up for it. No matter how cute he is, I've been sick for a week, and I'm SO over it. Summer colds are the worst, and I'm really ready to be through with this one. Yet, I have enjoyed taking it easy the last few days and relaxing.

Cheer camp was last week at work, and despite my efforts to only work downstairs at the desk, I had to work camp. I thoroughly enjoyed it, though. I only had to do devotion and chants, so it wasn't too hard! I fell in love with some of the girls. They made me smile and laugh every single day!

Jordan and me before their big pep rally!

Jordan's twin, Jane! 

Charity--this girl had me laughing so much last week! 

I've been hanging out with these three cats a lot lately:

Ryan, Chelsea, and David at the park. 

They've been super fun to hang out with, and they all make me laugh so much. I'm thankful for such sweet and funny friends!

I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow with the high schoolers for a Braves game and some rock climbing. It's our last "big" event for the summer. I seriously cannot believe that summer is almost over and that I start classes two weeks from Monday! I'm looking forward to the routine of school but not the school work. 

I also can't believe how much has changed in a year. Last summer I was getting ready to start college, and now it just seems like I'm going back to school. No big deal. I also got really close with my friend, Mollie Kate, last summer, and she wrote me a sweet note this week, so I've been thinking about her a lot lately. She and I went shopping this very weekend last year, where we got some super cute dresses from the Loft. Think I may just have to wear that on Sunday. 

I'm glad that the Lord puts kindred spirits in our lives.
Mollie Kate definitely is one of them!

"I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:13-14

Monday, July 18, 2011

it's Monday...

...and I'm pooped.

I had my first "sleepover" at my house last night. It was super fun! We stayed up to see the Panama team come home, so we turned it into a sleepover. The team was supposed to get back at 1, but it turned out to be around 2:40 because of some bad weather in Miami. Needless to say, when my alarm went off at 7 this morning for work, I was beat. But, we had a blast hanging out, and I'm so glad that the sweet Panama team is home!

Andddddd, my best friend Caroline is home from camp! She came over and hung out with us last night, and I so enjoyed her presence!

We made some cupcakes to keep us up and give us something to do!

SUPER excited she's home...even if it is only for a week or so. 


Best friends ever. 

12 years later and we're still friends :) 

Also, go check out the awesome giveaway at Pitter Patter Art. I really want to win it, but even if I don't, it's an awesome piece of art! It has some Mumford and Sons lyrics on it, and I absolutely love it!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I went to the doctor today, and he told me that my ankle is healing properly, and I can take the boot off! HALLELUJAH, and thank You, Jesus! I'm so happy that this boot can come off! Unfortunately, I didn't bring another shoe with me to the doctor (because I really didn't think this was going to be his diagnosis), so I'm stuck at work with the boot still on. Yep, still on. But, I figure if I've had it on for this long, a few extra hours aren't going to kill me.

I still have to "take it easy" for the next six weeks, which I know is going to be sort of hard for me. I can ride the bike and swim, though, and I'm looking forward to being able to do that. I think my clothes are going to enjoy that as well. I am driving, and I love being reunited with my car. Seriously, though. The Lord taught me a lot during these six weeks of having to be dependent upon other people, but I'm so glad that I can drive myself places now. So, so, so glad.

I cannot believe it's the middle of July. If I had stayed at camp, today would've been my last day. I start classes for the fall semester exactly one month from today. Summer is f-l-y-i-n-g by. We're planning some of our "final" summer events for students, and I can't believe this summer is almost over. I have so enjoyed spending time with students this summer, especially the middle school girls. They're in such a weird place in life that you can't not love them if you spend just a few minutes with them. They love life, they are enthusiastic and energetic, and I enjoy being with them lots. Especially this girl...

If the only reason I came home this summer was to get close to Jordan and show her more about Jesus, I'll take it. She makes me laugh lots and lots, and she's tons of fun to be around!

Augusta's been having some crazy summer storms lately, and frankly, I'm over it. They're annoying, and they come at all the wrong times. I know I should be grateful for the rain, but this is intense! And it's supposed to rain all weekend. 

I've been reading a lot. Jenny B. Jones and Robin Jones Gunn are my two current favorites. Robin Jones Gunn has been a fav for years, and I mean years. I've been reading her books since I was in middle school, and I so love each and every one of them. They carried me through my crazy teen years, and the Lord really used her books to speak to me about important issues in life. I recently discovered Jenny B. Jones, and I love her. I absolutely LOVE her books. She is a hilarious author, and her books crack me up. So, if you like to read, go find some Jenny B. Jones or Robin Jones Gunn. You won't be disappointed. 

I'm ending with this. Hillsong Live has a new album coming out called "Our God Is Able". (I think it's already available in some places, but I don't think it's available in the great U. S. of A.). This song, called "The Lost are Found" is one of my favorites ever. Check it out on YouTube, here.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Exactly one year ago this very week, I had the awesome privilege of being able to go to the country of Panama on a short-term missions trip. Right now, a group of twenty-eight students and adults are back in Panama on another ten-day trip. I read one of the blog posts updating friends and family back home about the trip, and I realized that I had never blogged about my own Panama trip. So, without further adieu, let me tell you what God did last summer in Panama.

To begin, me even going on this trip was a total God-thing. We go with an organization called AweStar Ministries, and we perform an eighteen-minute drama that displays the Gospel. After we perform the drama (we either perform it on street corners, in schools, orphanages, or other places like that), we break out into groups of three or four (these groups are called our family groups) and go talk to people who had watched the drama. We ask them about what they saw, discuss the drama with them, and if the Spirit leads, we tell them about how they can invite Christ into their lives. Until going on this trip, I had never gone on a straight evangelical trip like this. I've always done the "behind-the-scenes" type of work, and honestly, I like it better. So, just going on the trip was way out of my comfort zone. Add in the Spanish language and the jungle for three days, and you've got yourself an interesting story. So, after much prompting from friends and family and the Holy Spirit and after knowing that I was clearly in line with God's will, I headed out to Panama with my youth group. I knew many people were praying for me back home, and I knew I had good friends going with me that would help me out along the way.

Chelsea, Caroline, and I on the plane to Panama. 
Last bit of comfort I had!

Once we arrived in Panama, I began praying one thing: that God would make me bold and not be ashamed to share the Gospel. I have family that do not know the Lord, and I was praying that on this trip I could get up my courage to share the Gospel with strangers so that back home I could share that very same Gospel with my family. We got to Panama on Saturday night, and on Monday, my prayer was answered. We started off the morning early by performing the drama in some schools. It was raining, which is very common in Panama especially since we were there during the rainy season, so we had to stay indoors all day. After doing the drama four times in schools, the rain let up, and we headed to a bad part of town to do the drama one more time. The area is called "Cinco-de-Mayo", and it's sort of like "the projects". It's one of those places you don't go after dark, and if you're a girl, you never go alone. After most of the team argued about where we would stop to do the drama, we finally set up camp in the middle of the street in front of lots of stores. It was getting late, and we knew we had to do the drama, talk to people, and get out of there fast. We performed the drama, and it definitely wasn't one of the best performances we gave on that trip. After we were done, my family group leader, Austin, picked a person to talk to, and we grabbed a translator so we could really talk with him. I could tell that he wanted to know the Lord. I just started talking, Abe (our translator) just started translating, and Luis (the man) just listened. The Holy Spirit totally moved, and Luis accepted Christ into his life. It was so cool, because I could see it in Luis' eyes and face. He had been changed because of Jesus Christ! 

From far right: 
Abe (our translator), Kyle, Luis (the man who accepted Christ), Austin, and myself
Angels sure were rejoicing this day!

That was probably my spiritual "high" of the week. After that, the Lord began to break me down and show me different things about myself that needed some work. He kept taking me out of my comfort zone, and he used people that I never would've imagined He'd use. On Wednesday, we packed up some of our stuff, and we headed to the jungle (yes, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" was constantly playing in my head as we made our way there). 

We rode on boats like those two on the right to the village of Incandi.

I don't do the outdoors. At all. Seriously, I don't. Taking showers everyday is a major need for me. I like to sleep on mattresses, not the ground. I like to pee in toilets. Yet, during the two-and-a-half days I spent in Incandi, I used a toilet only two times, because they get locked up at night. I didn't shower. Let me repeat, I didn't shower. At all. I seriously thought I was going to die. Yet, the Lord so used this time to teach me things. One thing in particular was that He had equipped me to do certain things that He didn't equip others to do. I have strengths that my best friends don't have, while they have strengths that I don't have. I compared myself to others on my first day there, and I didn't think I was worthy of being a leader even though I have many leader-ish characteristics. Satan tried to attack me, but the Lord totally won. Even though I was disgusting, I wouldn't trade those days in the jungle for anything!

I couldn't put my contacts in because my hands were so dirty, so I had to wear my glasses.
I couldn't perform the drama without my glasses, and everyone said it was hard for them not to laugh during the drama. Even the kids in the jungle laughed at me!

Caroline and I in the village one day. 
We were tent buddies, and I know I couldn't have gotten through those jungle days without her!

The Lord moved in so many ways during this trip. I am so thankful that I went, and that I was able to learn and experience the things that I did. He brought our group together in such cool ways, and I'm so thankful for those 20+ people that I got to know better on this trip. I'm thankful that I can look back at that week and know that God had ordained for me to be there. I'll never forget it, and I so can't wait to hear what God is going to do during this week in Panama through my friends! 

in one of the schools we performed the drama in

She stole my heart!

All hot and sweaty for the glory of God! 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Best Friends.

Over the years, I've had a few people enter into my life that I would consider some of the best friends I've ever had. They have helped me through the years, listened to my problems, have given me advice, made me laugh until my sides hurt, and so much more. I can't begin to imagine life without them, and even though we have had some fights over the years, the Lord has blessed us so much and has restored these friendships to be greater than they were before.

Two specific ladies have been in my life for a long time. I met Chelsea the summer after second grade, and we have been best friends ever since, so for twelve years now (give or take a few months). She's been the person that I tell everything to, that makes me laugh over stupid stuff, and is there for me all the time. We met Caroline in sixth grade, and in middle school, we thought she was a nerd (she sort of was). But, for some reason, she was always with us. And, through our high school years, we all became really close, despite the fact that we went to three different high schools. I began to really cherish both of these friendships, and I'm so glad and thankful to say that even through our first year of college, the three of us are all still close. And still best friends.

Chelsea and I both live in AUG and go to school together, but dear Caroline is in Auburn. And this summer she's been in Missouri working at a camp. I miss her. I love these ladies lots. Here are some pictures that show our friendship from over the years...

Chelsea + I at Carowinds, during freshman year. 
We sure do look young AND rough!

Caroline + I during the fall of 2007.

Myrtle Beach trip, summer 2008.

Caroline + I on the same beach trip.
We stopped at the most SOUTHERN diner ever for lunch. 
Such funny memories from that place and trip!

When the trio started to really become a trio, winter 2008.

New Year's Eve, 2008. 
Just a few minutes before my birthday!

A random summer night, 2009.

Carowinds trip with Caroline, summer 2009.

Chelsea + I in Daytona Beach, FL at summer camp, 2009.

Trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains, summer 2009.

Senior Lock-In at church, a few days before we started our senior year.

Caroline + I on fall retreat in Cherokee, NC. 

Chelsea + I on ski retreat in West Virginia. 

Graduation Sunday at church.

Shopping in the markets in Panama City, Panama. 

On the way to Carowinds, summer 2010.

Reunion weekend, after college had started.

Love you ladies so much. Thanks for being apart of my life!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ice Cream.

The good Lord sure did know what He was doing when He told Quaker colonists to bring their ice cream recipes with them to the United States (thank you, Wikipedia, for giving me this great information). Seriously, He did. I so love ice cream. It's my comfort food. I eat it when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm mad, etc. I love ice cream.

On Sunday, Leah, Chelsea, and I went to the Augusta GreenJackets game where we sadly watched nine full innings of Minor League Baseball to see them score a whopping one point. Way to go, GreenJackets. Okay, so we probably saw about four, maybe five, innings of the game. By the time we got into the game, the first inning was over. Then we spent probably another inning waiting in line to get food. And then another two, maybe three, innings waiting in line for Chelsea to get a balloon animal hat type thing. We did get to see an amazing fireworks show after the game, and it made for a fun ending to the night. But, we had some crazy stuff going on in all of our lives, so we stopped at Kroger on the way home to grab some ice cream.

YESSSSS. Back in April I tweeted, "Sometimes I hate the fact that my dad's such a health nut. Why can't we have ice cream in our freezer like normal people?" Leah tweeted back, "In a few months you'll have your own house and you can eat drumsticks without shame." She actually bought drumsticks the other night (that are still currently in my freezer), and I bought some classic Mayfield's. But, she's so right. I'm in my own house, and I can eat ice cream without shame. I so thank the Lord for that, because this has been a week where I've been in great need of that ice cream.

And it's only Tuesday. Sunday was fine, and Monday was the fourth, so nothing crazy happened "technically". But, I've been dealing with some stuff on the inside that has just been eating at me. Things have been thrown at me that I never would have expected, and I'm so wishing the Lord could just TELL me what it is He's trying to teach me. I texted my other friend Chelsea about the whole situation, and she was so encouraging. She said, "God knows your heart, and He is beyond faithful...He knows you better than anyone, and He would never place you in any situation where He knew you couldn't be strong and beautiful."

Everything inside of me wants to yell at God and ask Him what in the world He thinks He's doing. I should be in Asheville right now. I shouldn't be dealing with some of the junk that I'm dealing with. But, like Chelsea said, He is beyond faithful. The prophet Isaiah reminds the people of God to "remember the former things He's done". I know God is faithful because of all the times He's been faithful in my life and in the lives of others around me. This is just a testing time for me, but I am thankful for it, because of the words James writes, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4). 

On a more positive note, I got my hair cut today. It's probably about four or five inches shorter, and a lady at the salon said, "That cut just frames your face perfectly!" I like to think so, too : ) I also saw one of my good friends who is finally back in the AUG today. That was good! My best friend, Caroline, comes home next week, and I'm SO excited. It's been a loooong two months without her. And, I've got some pictures to share...

Jack + I hanging out. He's growing up TOO fast! 

My two favorite boys, Jack + Joe. 

Leah + I at the GreenJackets game. 

Yes, she is my best friend, and yes, I will claim her in public. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Today, my pastor preached a WONDERFUL message about the hope that we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was encouraged, challenged, and convicted to share that hope with people in the world. I was also encouraged that I can put my hope in Christ right now as He shows me different things about Himself and reveals to me parts of His plan for my life. Lamentations 3:22-25 says, "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I have hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him." I'm finding a lot of my hope in these verses found in Lamentations.

I'm currently reading the book All In: What it Takes to Be the Best by Gene Chizik, the head football coach of Auburn University. I went into the bookstore the other day just trying to find a fiction book or something to keep me entertained at work. I saw this and bought it only because of the fact that Chizik is the head football coach of Auburn, and I'm a HUGE Auburn fan. But, I'm so loving this book so far. Chizik talks about the two seasons that he spent at Iowa State University where he had a 5-19 record. He had come from many seasons where the schools he had coached at had many consecutive winning seasons. Chizik writes that in this time in his life he really learned how big God is and how to trust in Him. He said that if he had been at one of the previous schools he had been at, he wouldn't have been able to learn these things about God. But, while at Iowa State, he did.

SO MY LIFE. I'm learning things right now that I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to learn at camp. I'm learning how to not be so controlling and to just go with what God has for me. I'm hoping in Him, and I'm waiting on Him. His timing is perfect, despite the fact that His timetable is completely different than mine.

On a completely random note, I have fallen in love with the TV show, Parks and Recreation. Seasons one and two are on instant queue on Netflix, and some of season three is on Hulu. It is hilarious. I mean, hilarious. So funny. Please check it out if you haven't.

Spent some time with Jack and Joe last night. Jack can officially say, "Ashton". I'm sort of sad that this boy is growing up. He still calls me "Ash Ash", but he's old enough to really say my name now. I so love those boys with all my heart!

Have a happy fourth of July, friends!