Sunday, July 3, 2011


Today, my pastor preached a WONDERFUL message about the hope that we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was encouraged, challenged, and convicted to share that hope with people in the world. I was also encouraged that I can put my hope in Christ right now as He shows me different things about Himself and reveals to me parts of His plan for my life. Lamentations 3:22-25 says, "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I have hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him." I'm finding a lot of my hope in these verses found in Lamentations.

I'm currently reading the book All In: What it Takes to Be the Best by Gene Chizik, the head football coach of Auburn University. I went into the bookstore the other day just trying to find a fiction book or something to keep me entertained at work. I saw this and bought it only because of the fact that Chizik is the head football coach of Auburn, and I'm a HUGE Auburn fan. But, I'm so loving this book so far. Chizik talks about the two seasons that he spent at Iowa State University where he had a 5-19 record. He had come from many seasons where the schools he had coached at had many consecutive winning seasons. Chizik writes that in this time in his life he really learned how big God is and how to trust in Him. He said that if he had been at one of the previous schools he had been at, he wouldn't have been able to learn these things about God. But, while at Iowa State, he did.

SO MY LIFE. I'm learning things right now that I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to learn at camp. I'm learning how to not be so controlling and to just go with what God has for me. I'm hoping in Him, and I'm waiting on Him. His timing is perfect, despite the fact that His timetable is completely different than mine.

On a completely random note, I have fallen in love with the TV show, Parks and Recreation. Seasons one and two are on instant queue on Netflix, and some of season three is on Hulu. It is hilarious. I mean, hilarious. So funny. Please check it out if you haven't.

Spent some time with Jack and Joe last night. Jack can officially say, "Ashton". I'm sort of sad that this boy is growing up. He still calls me "Ash Ash", but he's old enough to really say my name now. I so love those boys with all my heart!

Have a happy fourth of July, friends!

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