Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pax, ATL, 7, & More

What a horrible title but I couldn't think of anything more creative, so that's that.

If you've seen any type of news coverage or are friends with anyone who lives in Augusta, than you know that we got hit really bad last week by Pax. While Atlanta and Charlotte got snow, we got ice. Ice, ice, and more ice. My parents and I were without power for almost five days, and it was no fun. Okay, it was sort of fun the first night...reading by oil lamps (because only my parents would have those) and having flashlight wars, but after that it was no fun. I am incredibly thankful for a gas fireplace and a gas hot water heater. We survived, and while there are rumors of another ice storm in the next 10 days or so, I'm going to enjoy the spring like temps we have right now.

Kaila and I had been planning to go to Atlanta this past weekend since, well, since the last time we went to Atlanta. It's fun to get out of Augusta, and it's fun to see old friends. We said goodbye to crazy looking Augusta and hit the road headed west. It was a very low key weekend, but it was really nice. Our big adventure was going shooting, and it was so fun, even if I wasn't very accurate :)

Rend Collective let out a music video to their song "My Lighthouse" yesterday. I love it so much already, and I can't wait to get their new album in March!

Also, I was planning on starting my next month of 7 yesterday, and I was going to do only 7 foods. But with where I am spiritually and emotionally, I decided to do my social media month starting next week. I'm going to be doing my 5 weeks of student teaching, and I think it will be the best move for me so that I can be fully committed to teaching and not distracted. 

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some Good Ones

Last year's Super Bowl commercials had me in tears. Dodge's "God Made a Farmer" by Paul Harvey was too good, Jeep's "Whole Again" about soldiers was incredibly classy, and Budweiser's Clydesdale commercial was a classic. This year, I found myself laughing over the commercials instead of crying. Here are a few of my favorites from the Super Bowl + some other favorites.

Tim Tebow + TMobile

Budweiser's Puppy Love

This Coke one was really cute.

Did you see the reunion of the Full House guys on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon the other night? 

If you haven't seen Delta's newest safety video, you should watch it just for the cameos of famous 80s stars. It's incredibly cheesy, but I laughed because of the cheesiness. 

And, make sure you watch this one. It's the full story of Budweiser's A Hero's Welcome. 

Last one...the Olympics start TOMORROW! I am so excited. Make sure you have your tissues ready before you watch this thank you to moms from Proctor & Gamble.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thoughts on Month 1 of 7

I'll admit that this month was/will be one of the easier months of 7. It honestly didn't affect my day-to-day activities, and only people who knew that I was doing 7 knew what I was doing this month. With my class schedule and my work schedule, I didn't necessarily "give" something away each and every day. I did have a goal of 210 things (7 things a day x 30 days = 210 things) to give away, and I went over that goal for sure.

While cleaning out drawers/closets/cabinets, I came up with a few observations about the things I've kept over the years that I don't use anymore.

  1. Just because it came from Gap, JCrew, Banana Republic, etc. does NOT mean that I have to keep it. If it doesn't fit/I don't like it anymore, I don't need to keep it. 
  2. Just because I have a coupon and Gap, JCrew, Banana Republic, etc. has a sale going on does NOT mean that I need to buy anything. Just because it is a good deal doesn't mean that it is worth spending money on. 
  3. Just because an aunt/friend/family member gave me that scarf/purse/book does NOT mean that I have to keep it. They will probably NEVER know if I keep it or don't, and if it's not being used, get rid of it!
  4. Just because I can buy a book doesn't mean that I need to (this one is still hard for me to grasp). There are things called libraries for a reason. I can justify buying books I know I'll want to write in or have for a while, but there are some books that are fun to read once but I'll never read again. Those I should've gotten from the library, not wasted money on. 
In all of my 22 years of life (well as long as I can remember), I have had two Rubbermaid totes that hold my winter clothes in the summer and my summer clothes in the winter. In March and October of every year, I switch out the clothes. NOT ANYMORE. For the first time in my life, all of my clothes are in my dressers and closet in my room. I feel incredibly accomplished. 

I learned this month that it is truly better to give than to receive. I've been able to give away some things to people who appreciated them more than I did, and that made my heart swell. Shopping is definitely one of my favorite things to do, and I love getting a great deal. But, after going through all the things I have, I know it'll probably be a while before I have a shopping spree (as much as I want to). Here's to two weeks off of the 7 challenge; I'll be preparing for the next month which will be eating only 7 foods. EEEK.