Friday, February 8, 2013

February Fun!

I wanted to post this on Monday, so I could do a "Miscellany Monday" post. But, alas, here we are, on Friday, and I'm just now posting this. So, pretend it's a Monday and this is miscellaneous and random and has no real flow.

Valentine's Decorations--my dad gave me that awesome chalkboard for Christmas, and I like the idea of decorating it with the seasons. (It's also going to be used at Hannah's wedding. Speaking of Hannah's wedding, my bridesmaid's dress came and I'm so excited! H+J's big day is getting close!!)

I decided to make a journal like this and write it in every day (or every other day) this year after seeing it on Pinterest. I have NO idea where I saw it because I don't think I repinned it. So I came up with my own, and I just write in it each day, add a few scrapbooking stickers, etc. I've been doing this since January 1st, and I JUST realized that I forgot the "e" in the word grateful. I can't believe it. 

Throwback Thursday--hello Robin's Mom jeans. Don't ya just love 'em? Circa 1997 people. 

MBM--in case I don't post again until after next Tuesday, happy birthday to the sweet Mary Beth!!

Super Bowl Commercials--What were your favorites? These two were mine. 

I'm headed off to DNOW to spend the weekend with my senior girls! I'm excited to spend this weekend with them--one of their last events in the student ministry. Have a wonderful weekend!

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