Monday, October 31, 2011

potato soup and caramel apple spice.

In case you've been MIA from the world (just like I've been MIA from this blog except for my blog challenge), it's really beginning to feel like fall! I'm so excited. I had my first Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice last week, potato soup this past weekend for lunch, and I'm thinking chili may be in the lineup of meals sometime this week. I LOVE cold weather, so I'm hoping it's really here to stay!!

A few weekends ago, we took a group of students to a corn maze about an hour away from Augusta. I had never been, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I had a blast! I hung out with a bunch of freshmen girls who were a blast. They made me laugh so much!

I had a blast with Maddie on this trip!

I got to see one of my favorite people ever on Saturday and spend some time with her. Mary Beth is one of my absolute best friends, which is funny because we used to not get along. Now, we're like two peas in a pod, and I so loved getting to hang out with her! Target + Starbucks + MB = a great Saturday afternoon :) 

If you've never listened to (or even heard of) Ben Rector you need to check him out. There's even a link on his website where you can go a get some of his music for free. I really, really, really like his music. I've listened to his stuff so much in the past 48 hours that one of the songs is in my top played music on iTunes. Seriously, check him out. 

Halloween. So tacky. It's the one holiday I really can't stand. I've never gone trick-or-treating (GASP! AHH!), and somehow I've survived :) But, seriously, people decorate their houses in some of the weirdest and nastiest ways. I'm glad today is almost over! We have a big family event at church tonight where the kids can come and play and get a HUGE bag of candy on their way out. I am excited to see some precious kiddos in their cute costumes. 

A text conversation between Leah and I the other night: 
Me: We should've gotten Lady A tickets. (Lady Antebellum played a homecoming show in Augusta on Friday). 
Leah: Haha I know I'm kinda sad. Are you going to college group?
Me: No I'm babysitting. 
Leah: For someone going to the concert?
Me: Yep. She is going there with a bunch of girlfriends. He is in Jacksonville all weekend for the GA/FL game. They're almost 40 and they're cooler than us. 
Leah: They do a lot of fun things. 
Me: Let's be that fun when we're 40.
Leah: We've got a bad start. 
Me: Haha so true. 

Made me laugh SO hard. :) 

Have a fabulous last day of October, friends! Enjoy the fall weather! 

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 30

Day Thirty: A Photograph of Yourself Today + Three Good Things That Have Happened in the Past Thirty Days.

Note: I had planned to post this last Thursday, so that's when these pictures were taken. Life just got crazy, and I didn't have a chance to do it! 

Typical night at my house. 

Don't judge the Auburn apron. 
I made delicious cookies that night :) 

Three Good Things That Have Happened to Me in the Past 30+ Days: 
  1. I got a new job! If you missed out on that, you can read about it here!
  2. My parents moved back into their house. Yes, my life is now back to normal, and I can enjoy my OCD ways again :) 
  3. I've gotten to see most of my best friends more than once, which is always good. I'm so ready for Christmas break where almost everyone will be back in town for a while!
YAY! Blog Challenge is FINISHED! 
(Note to self: never do a blog challenge for more than five days ever again. EVER!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 29

Day Twenty-Nine: Something You Could Never Get Tired of Doing

Hanging out with Jack + Joe, Harris + Millie Kate, and all the other sweet babies in my life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 28

Day Twenty-Eight: What Have You Learned in the Past 30 Days?

That it's hard to do a 30 day blog challenge and post consistently every single day. My first day was September 24th. So, I'm past my 30 days, and I still have a few left. Oh well, life going on outside this blog is what makes this blog possible, so it's totally okay!

That I actually feel like I have a part of me missing, and I want to find out more about my biological family. After finding my biological cousin on facebook, which you can read in this post, I've wanted to find more. I've wanted to know who this whole other part of me is, and why I am the way that I am. I know that my identity is in Christ, and it always will be. But, this quote by a 10 year old adopted kid sums it all up for me, "Being adopted is like being a puzzle with a piece missing."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 27

Day Twenty-Seven: What Kind of Person Attracts You?

someone who loves Jesus and wants to make His name known.
someone who is kind, caring, selfless, generous, loving, giving, patient, etc. 
someone who loves me despite all my faults. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 26

Day Twenty-Six: A Photo of Somewhere You Want to Go

Prince Edward Island, Canada.

As I've mentioned many times before, I'm a HUGE Anne of Green Gables fan. 
Anne of Green Gables is set and filmed in PEI. 
So pretty. I want to go there so bad! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 25

Day Twenty-Five: Who Are You?

I am a child of God.
I am a daughter of four people. 
I am a friend. 
I am an "aunt" to some of the sweetest babies in the world. 
I am a cousin, a niece, and a granddaughter. 
I am a student. 
I am a future teacher. 
I am a student ministry intern. 
I am a blogger. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011


happy birthday to three of the sweetest people in my life!

My lovely mom! Greatest mom in the ENTIRE world :)

My cousin Austin. He's sixteen. I cannot believe it! 

And Kim, my "stepmom". One of the sweetest ladies in the world. 

Glad I got to spend the evening with my mom. Hoping and wishing the rest of them had a great day as well! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 24

Day Twenty-Four: A Photo of Something That Means a Lot to You

Love love love this boy so much (and his little brother, too). 
Jack and I will always have a special relationship. 
He's the first boy that stole my whole heart the second I met him. 
I'm his Ash Ash (if you ask him, I'm HIS Ash Ash, no one else's!). 
I love you Jack, and you mean SO much to me! 

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 23

Day Twenty-Three: Ten to One

Ten Different Things You Want to Say to Ten Different People
10. I can't wait to meet you.
9. I wish you would understand how this affects me.
8. Why won't you tell me everything?
7. I don't understand you.
6. Thanks for listening to me.
5. Please show me that you care about me.
4. You'll never know how much I love you.
3. You make me smile.
2. You're my best friend.
1. I wouldn't be here today without Your grace and mercy.

Nine Things About Yourself
9. I don't know how people use PCs on a daily basis.
8. I only use Cottonelle toilet paper.
7. I don't shop at Goodwill. Ever.
6. I love traditions.
5. My hair is paper straight, all the time.
4. I have five best friends.
3. I love the town of Athens, GA.
2. I go to Target on average three times a week. Sometimes more.
1. Almost everything I own that can be monogrammed is monogrammed.

Eight Ways to Win Your Heart
8. Asking me about my day.
7. Giving me some kind of gift that you know I'd like.
6. Words of encouragement--it's my love language :)
5. A fountain coke with no ice. Coke, not Pepsi.
4. Being creative--doing something different than the ordinary hanging out.
3. Showing genuine interest in what I'm talking about.
2. Cleaning up after yourself.
1. Opening the door for me.

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot
7. I'll get up in five minutes.
6. I need to work out.
5. Do I have to get up?
4. I hate this class.
3. Was that really necessary?
2. I need to go to bed.
1. I shouldn't have bought that.

Six Things You Do Before You Fall Asleep
6. Go to the bathroom.
5. Wash my face.
4. Brush my teeth.
3. Take out my contacts.
2. Wash my hands.
1. Plug my phone in and set my alarm.

Five People Who Mean A Lot at the Moment
5. Jack, Joe, Harris, and Millie
4. Casie and Micah
3. Chelsea and Mary Beth
2. Leah and Chelsea
1. Mom and Dad

Four Things You're Wearing Right Now
4. Gap Jeans
3. Turquoise Old Navy Top
2. Macy's Pearl Earrings
1. Burlap Toms

Three Songs That You Listen to Often
3. Nova by Hillsong United
2. Bennie and the Jets by Elton John
1. The Lost Are Found by Hillsong

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
2. Backpack through Europe
1. Become a wife and mom

One Confession
1. My biggest fear in life is that I'll never get married.

Monday, October 17, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 22

Day Twenty-Two: Fifteen Facts About You
  1. I love lemons. Love, love, love lemons. They are definitely my favorite fruit.
  2. I'm OCD about almost everything. It's a bit ridiculous. Not to the point where I need to take medication or anything like that, but it's pretty bad.
  3. I love to travel. Give me a million bucks and I'd travel the world.
  4. I suck at managing my time wisely. I procrastinate way too much, and I end up wasting lots of valuable time. 
  5. I almost always have the TV on, mainly for background noise, not to watch. 
  6. I hate washing dishes. I'd run the dishwasher every single day if that meant I didn't have to wash a single dish. We run it about two times a week. 
  7. I love Auburn football, but watching the games tend to stress me out so much. I pace, I yell, I freak out. Every single game. 
  8. I wear a hat about three days out of the week. 
  9. Almost all the babies and toddlers in my life call me "Ash Ash", and I absolutely love hearing them say it. 
  10. I enjoy getting to take care of people.
  11. I hate that not all of my family knows Jesus.
  12. I never wake up on time. Never. 
  13. I'm late to almost everything. The only time I wasn't was when other people were driving me places during the summer when I broke my ankle.
  14. I LOVE MY JOB!
  15. I really like getting to talk about adoption. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 21

Day Twenty-One: A Photo of Something That Makes You Happy

Got to have lunch and hang out with these cool kids yesterday. 
They make me happy, and they make my world SO much better. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

the truth will set you free.

John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 

If you know me pretty well or even just a little bit, you know that I'm adopted. You would also know that I have a relationship with my birth dad (BD) and his family. I was in his wedding just a few weeks ago. But, my relationship with my birth mom (BM) is a little more complicated and different. Like, I don't have a relationship with her at all. But, I do have a relationship with her parents, and they've been a huge part of my life all my life.

I found out when I was fifteen that they were my biological grandparents. That's a post for another day. But, after freaking out, being a brat, and staying really mad at them for a year, I finally embraced the truth that they were who they were. This was around the same time that I wanted to find my BD, so I started asking them questions about the whole thing. I wanted to know stuff. I wanted to know why she chose to give me up, how everything went down, and all the details. I wanted to know my aunts and uncles and cousins on her side, the same with my BD. This was my family, and I felt like I had the right to at least know who they were.

My grandparents gave me as much information as they felt like they could while still protecting my BM and me. It's a messed up, sticky situation that at times I absolutely hate. More than once my mom has said to me, "these are the consequences of sin. this is what will happen if you don't obey God." It's so true, and I'm thankful that I'm able to see the good in the situation.

The other day I was on facebook, and I clicked on one of my friend's page. I was seeing her updates and pictures and such, and I saw a friend of hers that I know of. I clicked on his page (you can't judge me because you do it too). I saw these pictures he was tagged in, and I just started looking at them. I was looking at this one picture, and I saw this guy who looked really familiar. I found the name that corresponded with his tag, and I clicked on it. Then I realized who he is. He's my BM's nephew. My cousin. My flesh and blood. My DNA. My family.

And what did I do (besides facebook stalk him a little bit)? Absolutely nothing. There's nothing I really can do. I can't message him, because he may or may not know about me. He's the only one who might know about me because he's older than me. He was four when I was born. My other two cousins on my BM's side were born after me. I mean, I could message him or his sister (who I found through my BM's page), but that would cause a lot of drama between my whole family.

My BM doesn't really want to talk to me right now. We've exchanged a few e-mails, and let's just say it wasn't near as pretty as it was with my BD. There was nothing pretty about it at all. I sort of understand how she doesn't want to talk to me. I get that it's got to be hard. And I think it would be a lot different if my grandparents hadn't been apart of my life. But, there is one verse that keeps coming back to me in all of this, and it's John 8:32, which is at the top of this post. "The truth will set you free." I really feel like everyone on my BM's side of the family needs to know the truth. My three cousins need to know that there is another cousin out there. My aunts and uncles who never had the chance to meet me might want to. My grandparents need to be able to say, "We have four grandchildren. Three girls and one boy." But they can't. And it kills me.

I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what God has in store for me with this part of my adoption. People tell me that I should write a book about it all. But I know I can't right now. I wouldn't know the ending. And this is a huge reason why I don't know the ending.

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 20

Day Twenty: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name.

I really love Psalm 57. It's a great chapter in such a great book of the Bible. Many praises to God and promises are written in this chapter. Verse 8 says, "Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn." That first sentence "Awake, my soul!" was the inspiration for my blog name. Also, in Chris Tomlin's song "Awakening", there is a phrase that is repeated over and over again which is, "For You and You alone, awake my soul, awake my soul to sing." So, that's why my blog is titled "awake my soul".

Thursday, October 13, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 19

Day Nineteen: Your Reflection in the Mirror

This my friends is what you would see on any given night after I've taken my makeup off and am headed to bed. 
Orrrrr around one a.m. right in the middle of a sleepover with a bunch of crazy high school girls (#ilovemyjob). 

And this is what you will see pre-camping trip. Well rested, clean and showered, and make-up on. I'm not sure which look I like better :) 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 18

Day Eighteen: Five Things That Irritate You About the Opposite Sex

Boys. Can't live with them, can't live without them. They annoy the mess out of me sometimes, but other times they make me laugh and smile so much. Here are a few things that bother me about the male species:

  1. Selective Hearing. Ugh, that drives me up the wall. I've experienced this with lots of my male friends, my dad, my cousins, etc. I just don't get how men tend to pick and choose what they listen to and what they don't. Then you have to explain the story or situation all over again. So. Frustrating. 
  2. Passing Gas in Public. YUCK. Not many of my guy friends do this (I've been blessed with some stellar guys in my life), but I have one or two that do. It is so gross. Please don't. Go to the bathroom. 
  3. Not Cleaning Up. No matter where it is--in my car, my living room, my kitchen, the church, anywhere that isn't their bedroom, they need to clean up after themselves. It is so annoying. I'm not your mother, and you have two feet that can take you to the trashcan. It's not that hard to throw away a coke can. 
  4. Leaving the toilet seat up. Again, I don't have too many friends that do that. But still, seriously? Did your mom not raise you better than that? I know she did. Just put it down!
  5. Acting like they know everything about everything. Granted, I have a few girl friends who do this as well, but I think boys are much worse about it. Like when they say, "Oh, a kidney stone is worse than childbirth" or "Labor won't hurt that bad." Um, excuse me, have you had a baby? No. Will you? No. Therefore your opinion doesn't really matter. 
Okay, I'll step off my soapbox now. Fellas, step it up a notch. I'm not the only girl who feels this way. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 17

Day Seventeen: How you hope your future will be like.

At the end of the day, I want my future to be one that is pleasing to God. I want people to look back at my life and say, "Wow. She lived her life to please and glorify the Lord. That's what was important to Ashton." I really hope that the Lord's plan for me includes getting married and having kids. That's what I feel like I'm called to do. All in all, wherever He takes me, whoever He chooses to put in my life, I want Him to get all the glory out of my life and my future.

Monday, October 10, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 16

Day Sixteen: Your View on Homosexuality

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Saturday, October 8, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 15

Day Fifteen: Something You Don't Leave the House Without

Seriously cannot function without this thing. 
So sad and pathetic, but completely true. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 14

Day Fourteen: A TV Show You're Currently Addicted To

I just love Parks and Recreation. 

I'm also a huge NCIS fan. Never miss an episode. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 13

Day Thirteen: Your Views on Drugs and Alcohol. 

Um, don't do it? Neither one of them do anything to make your life better. I've definitely seen the fact proven more than once that you don't need to be drunk or high to have fun. I know that there is alcohol in the Bible and that the only commandment is not to be drunk, but for me, I'm not even going to go there. I don't think it's necessary, nor do I want any of my unbelieving friends to think I'm a hypocrite. We're called to live holy and different lives, so for me that means no drugs or alcohol, at all. 

the one where i got a new job.

When I was like 12, I started volunteering at the Family Life Center. Through every season and every sport that the FLC would put on, I was there to help make it possible. I was apart of the FLC team even though I wasn't on paid staff. I was invited to Christmas parties, I got the staff shirts, and I even went on a mission trip to San Diego that the FLC staff headed up one year. The FLC runs and functions because of the awesome volunteers that we have, and I am glad to say that I was one of those volunteers for about four years. I loved my time volunteering, and I couldn't wait to become official staff.

On January 2, 2008, just one day after my sixteenth birthday, that "dream" of becoming apart of the Family Life Center staff became a reality. And for almost four years, being apart of the FLC staff was just who I was. I have friends from high school who would joke about how often I worked by saying, "Ashton is the Family Life Center." After tomorrow, I can (happily) say, that I am no longer the Family Life Center. I am the High School Ministry Intern/Assistant!

Three Thursdays ago, I was sitting at the FLC, minding my own business, either facebook stalking or pinning away on Pinterest. Grant walks up, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry. I remembered that I had a class canceled the next week and that I had a few extra hours, so I said to him, "Oh, hey, I can help out in the office next Monday and Tuesday if you need me to." He smiles and says, "Great. Do you want to take a test one day next week for me?"

Uh, what in the WORLD is he talking about? A test? For something non school related? No. "No," I said. Then it hit me. This may have to do with the potential job situation that he and I had talked about a few times. "Uh, maybe," I corrected. "If you need me to."

"Make up your mind," he said with a laugh.

"Does this have to do with the job?" I asked.

He nodded. "I found out today that it has been approved for you to be the high school ministry intern."

I literally jumped out of my seat and ran around the counter to hug him. "Are you serious?!"

He smiled. "Yep."

So, I've kept it a secret, pretty much, for the past three weeks. I told a few people, like my parents and roommate and close friends, but Grant asked me to keep it on the DL until he got to tell the students. Tonight, he made that announcement. And I have to say it blessed my soul when I heard those high school students get excited when he told them about me. God is good.

I have to move to high school on Sunday mornings, so I don't get to keep my small group of middle school girls anymore. I'm sad about that, but I know that God has a big plan for them and their new leader. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me in this new chapter of my life!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 12

Day Twelve: Your Current Relationship; If Single, Discuss How Single Life Is. 

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to "discuss how single life is", but I'll give it a shot. I'm sort of content in where God has me right now. Although I long for companionship in the form of a male, I look at my calendars and planners and see how BUSY my life is without one and then thank God for the fact that I am  single right now. I don't think I could really make the time for a boy right now, so I'm just going to wait on the Lord for the right one. 

Here are a few verses and quotes (in really fun form) that are helping me through my single years. 

Source: None via Ashton on Pinterest

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11

Day Eleven: What's in Your Makeup Bag?

  • Cotton Balls
  • Face Cleanser 
  • Face Lotion
  • Concealer
  • Foundation
  • Powder
  • Blush
  • Eye Liner
  • Eye Shadow
  • Mascara
  • Lip Gloss 

Monday, October 3, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10

Day Ten: A Photo of Your Favorite Place to Eat

Ahhh, Carrabba's. 
By far one of my favorite places to eat ever. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the one where i got to see (almost) all of my best friends in one weekend.

No matter what any of my non Augusta Christian friends say, I always look forward to Homecoming at ACS each year. Getting to head back to the school that is so dear to my heart always makes me smile. So, when I looked at my calendar and realized that Homecoming was this past Friday, I knew it was going to be a good week.

On Friday, it finally began to feel like fall. It was such a great day for some football. I headed to ACS after work, and I got there a little late, so I had to park in the parking lot of the Mexican restaurant next to the school. As I started to walk on the school grounds, I just felt different. Being at ACS reminds me of sweet and simpler times. I even teared up a little bit as I saw the sweet things that reminded me of my high school days.

I just loved being there, getting to catch up with people that I used to see every single day, and cheering on the ACS Lions. Sadly, they lost the game in the last 17 seconds, but they fought a good fight. I think their record is 4-2, which is pretty good!

After the game, almost all of the class of 2010 kids went to IHOP to eat a late meal and hang out. I haven't been to IHOP in YEARS, but it was surprisingly good. Being the lover of all things French that I am, I had this amazing Nutella crepe. So, so, so good.

All in all, it was a great night. I'm so glad that God blessed me with these friends in high school, for the memories that we shared together then, and the fact that we can still hang out to this day.

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 9

Day Nine: A Photo of the Item You Last Purchased

Parks and Recreation Season 2. 
It was on sale at Target, so I just had to get it :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8

Day Eight: A Song to Match Your Mood

Oh You Bring by Hillsong United, album "Tear Down the Walls". Video here.
My favorite part is the chorus:

And You opened the door for me
And You laid down 
Your life to set me free
All that I am will serve You Lord
And You opened my eyes to see
All the wonder and awe of Christ in me
Jesus, You're everything I need