Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day as a teenager!

although i consider turning 18 to be an official "adult", eighteen and nineteen still have the word "teen" in them. after tonight, i'm going to be out of those "teen" years. it's a weird feeling---knowing that i'm going to be 20. i plan to bring in the new year---and my birthday---with some of my favorite people at Chelsea's house. one of my favorite traditions i have to say :)

christmas was great! i love the one tradition that my family has---christmas eve with my dad's cousins that live in augusta. we all get together, eat too much, and laugh until our sides hurt (and then some)! this year, we had it at my parents' house (which hasn't happened in a while), and it was great. i love them (and the crazy games my mom makes us play).

on monday, the day after christmas, chelsea and kayla helped me take down all my decorations. it was really quite sad. my house was so pretty with all my stuff up, but i know it had to go. i was leaving wednesday for ski retreat, so i had to do it on my last day off this week. we went over to my friend ryan's house and burned it. it smelled great while burning but awful afterwards. the s'mores made it a little better though :)

tuesday, i had lunch with my old d-group---chelsea, caroline, and mrs. connie---three of the greatest people in my life. we went to Manuel's Bread Cafe over the river in north augusta. it is this cute little french place, and i fell in love. i will for sure be back.

wednesday, i woke up feeling awful and almost didn't make it on ski retreat. but, i sucked it up and got to the church before they left. ski retreat was great. it really was. minus lots of schedule changes/lodging changes/only a few slopes being opened, it really was an awesome time. one of the moms that went told me that she never saw me stressed once---what a huge compliment! it was crazy having to fix a bunch of things in four-ish hours on the way up there---things that i had been working for almost two months to have just right when we got there. clearly it didn't happen, but i didn't freak (like i've been known to do) and got the job done.

i had such a good time with these students. i so love doing life with them. i rode most of the way up there in a bus with all boys and all the way home with them. they sang to me every day---songs like "my girl" and "you are my sunshine". sweet boys :) the girls were great too! they made great game partners, and i enjoyed my conversation with them.

our group picture this morning. 
love this crew. 

hope everyone has a blessed new year! my first big event of 2012 will be passion! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

When I Was 12... was 2004. Some important events happened that year, like...

-George W. got reelected as president (I'll always have a mini-crush on W).
-Friends ended (what a great show).
-Ronald Reagan passed away.
-Google introduces gmail.
-WWII Memorial in D.C. was opened to the public (this thing is great).
-The great state of Georgia approved a new flag.
-I met two of the godliest people I've ever known.

And I got to see both of them this week.

My old youth pastor, Matt, came to WBC at the end of the summer of 2004. He was my youth pastor from 7th grade through the end of 10th grade. He taught me in so many different ways, he was there for me when I needed someone to talk to, and he spoke a lot of spiritual encouragement into my life. The other day, he was on the phone with my boss Grant, and he said, "Tell Ashton I love her. She's a great kid." Seriously made my day.

Well, Matt was really close with Pops who passed away last Wednesday. His funeral was on Sunday, and Matt spoke at it. He did a great job, and while it was hard for me to watch him get choked up, it was encouraging to see someone I really respect show their emotions fully. After the funeral, I got to talk to Matt for a few minutes and get a good Matt hug. As unexpected as it was, it was great to see him.

Today, I had lunch with Bethany. Bethany was the intern when I was in seventh grade. Right now, I am how old she was when she was the intern. So weird to me. Bethany was the person that I always wanted to be like, and even though I didn't officially set out trying to be like her (and we're really different in many ways), I feel like the older I've gotten, the more like Bethany I have become. It was so great to catch up with her, talk about life, and be encouraged by the person who helped me "get it". If I can grow up to be just a fourth of the woman that Bethany is, I'll feel accomplished and successful.

I'll end with a verse that I really like, that was introduced to me at Pops' funeral on Sunday.

My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me. Psalm 31:15

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Third Annual Tacky Sweater Party.

Every Christmas, my friends from high school all get together for a tacky sweater party. We exchange gifts (we usually do Secret Santa but this year we did White Elephant and it was a huge success), we eat lots of good food, and we just spend time together. I'm so beyond thankful for these friends, and I'm so glad that even two years after we graduated (which really does blow my mind a bit), we can all hang out and enjoy being with each other.

My good friend/brother/old boss Drew let me borrow his camera for the night, and I'm so glad he did. (I now have the itch to get a good camera!) I used my photo props, and we had a BLAST taking some funny (and good) pictures! There were so many good ones, and here are a few (okay a lot) of them :)

my favorite set of cousins

this one makes me laugh a lot :)

i so love this one 

kissy lips and a mustache....or a hickey and an unibrow

my favorite GT football player! 

my favorite Mercer VP of adpi! 

The best gift from the night

So, I have this book about WWII in my living room. 
It was the item of the evening that everyone "picked on". 
Addison read a few excerpts for us. 
I love my friends. 

Most of the ladies 

Best one of the guys

my favorite picture of the evening! 

Twas a great night to get in the Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas, friends! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of the greatest men I've ever had the privilege of knowing went to be with Jesus yesterday.

Alva Stephens, known as "Pops" to almost everyone, ended his battle with pancreatic cancer and finally saw his Savior. Pops has been like a "grandpa" in a way to the whole youth group. He lived every single day for his Maker. He never once missed an opportunity to share the Gospel or what the Lord was teaching him with the people around him. Even in his last days, he was teaching all of us something about the Lord.

I guess I first met Pops when I came into the youth group. I'm not completely sure. But, I do know that over the years, he was always there, smiling and encouraging every single one of us in the youth group. Every time he spoke, he taught. He was a teacher, a servant, a friend, an encourager.

Pops got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September. I got to see him in early October, and I'm so thankful that I did. After his passing last night, I checked out twitter to see what people were saying about Pops. Back in October, his son-in-law (who is a local youth pastor) got t-shirts made that say "#teampops" on the front. Everyone has been using that as a hashtag on twitter, so I searched it. I saw so many awesome things. I remembered that Pops sent me a facebook message a few years ago, and I had to go and find it again. It was so encouraging.

This man literally impacted THOUSANDS of lives. He was such a huge blessing in SO many lives, and I'm so grateful that I knew him. And I'm glad we can all know that it was all for the glory of the Lord that he went home yesterday afternoon.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

augusta, i love you.

Inspired by my friend Hannah's post about her love for Athens/Athens Church, I decided to write a post about how much I love Augusta.

Wait, what? Is that what I really just wrote?

Yes. Yes it is. I love Augusta. I really do. I've come to realize that more and more over the past year or two. Especially this semester. I love Augusta.

Augusta is one of those places that is great to raise a family. It's not a college town by any means, and at times, I do wish I lived in a place like Athens or Auburn. But, Augusta really is a great town. Even though there are many times when we say, "What are we going to do tonight?" and get super stumped and end up staying at someone's house, I do love this place.

I love that I can drive down the road and see many of my parents' friends' businesses. I love that there are so many "Moms and Pops" type stores yet there's still two Targets, super Walmarts, a mall, etc. I love how I can go to Starbucks with someone and see five people I know. I've gotten to the point now where I wonder who I'm going to see at places, not try to avoid them (although there are those people I do try and avoid). I love how when planning events everyone involved uses their connections to get a discount on food or balloons or whatever. I love how everyone knows someone who knows Lady Antebellum. I love how I can see teachers from high school or parents of friends from high school driving down the road and it isn't awkward to wave at them. I love Augusta.

I know, I know, it has it flaws. Like the fact that it's downtown is awful. Or the fact that the area around the Augusta National is not near as pretty as the Augusta National itself. Or the fact that it can be really boring at times.

But overall, the pros so outweigh the cons. I love Augusta, and I'm so glad that my parents chose to move here back in the 90s. Augusta, thanks for being my city. I so love you.

Monday, December 5, 2011

in less than 72 hours...

...I will be FREE! my last final is at 3:30 on Thursday, and I am counting down the hours till Christmas break officially begins for me.

Until then, I'll be studying and working and ignoring the fact that my house looks like a major wreck, that I have barely any food in my fridge, and that my hand is cramping from the 250+ notecards I've made in the past 36 hours. Seriously, if I have to make another notecard to study, I might just scream!

If you have a few spare minutes (if you're in college like me, you may not have too many of those over the next few days) please send up a few prayers for me to finish the semester strong! I'm so ready to be done, but I need to do well on these finals!

A few of my favorite pins to end this post...

How cool is this?!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Today, I'm linking up with Lauren at the little things we do for Fill-in-the-Blank-Friday!

1.   The holiday season is     one of my absolute favorite seasons of the year! I love winter and Christmas and New Year's and everything else that happens during this time. Now that I'm in college, I especially love that I can hang out with all my friends that come home during the break   .

2.   Snow makes me   excited when we do have it...which is rarely ever. It is one of those weird things though that I don't really know how to handle...haha      .

3.  The best comfort food to eat when it's cold out is    chili. Hands down. My momma makes some of the best chili in the world, and I love when it's cold enough to start making the chili    .

4. Winter is the best time for    catching up with old friends, enjoying family traditions, and spending extra time with loved ones   .

5.  I can hardly wait for   our Third Annual Tacky Sweater Christmas Party! I so love my friends from high school, and I can't wait for this year's party! I'm really excited to, because it's the first real "party" I'm throwing at MY house :)  .

6.  When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to    buy and receive? I'm not sure that's how I'm supposed to really answer, but I do love both. I love it when I get a gift for someone that I KNOW they will love, and I love it when I get a gift from someone that knows I'll love it .

7.  If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1-10, I would say I am at about a    9, maybe a 10. Seriously. This is the first year I've been THIS excited about Christmas (partially due to the fact that I have my own house to decorate...) but I'm just so loving Christmastime this year. Also, my birthday is in less than a month! YAY! Yeah, I'm definitely a 10 :)  .


I have lots of cousins, especially the second and third kind. I'm the only grandchild on my dad's side, but there are a BUNCH of second and third cousins on his side. They are the people I've known forever, and even if I don't agree with them on some things, they're still family and I still love them.

My dad's dad (Paw-Paw) had lots of siblings. I only really knew one of his brothers (Uncle Jack). Uncle Jack had eight kids (and until his wife got pregnant with child number six, they lived in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house...SERIOUSLY). Uncle Jack's second daughter, Emily (who is one of the prettiest women in the whole world) lives in Augusta. She and her husband, Lanier, have three kids: Dessa, Will, and Meg.

Dessa, Will, and Meg are those cousins that I grew up with. They are all older than me, and ever since I was little, I've been affectionately known as "Squirt" to all of them. We spend every Christmas Eve with them (except for the year that Dessa was pregnant with her first child and we spent the night before Christmas Eve together). We always play stupid games together, yet we have a lot of fun together. They're the people that have seen me grow up, and I'm really glad they're apart of my life.

Graduation wouldn't have been the same without these two!
Dessa, me, and Will

Anyway, to the point of this post. Meg (who I surprisingly don't have a picture recent picture of) opened her own "business". She makes scarves and necklaces so far, and they are fabulous! Catherine Morgan Designs is the name of her business, and she's also selling things at The Augusta Market downtown this Saturday. If you're in the area, check her out. If not and you see something you want, let me know!

Happiest of Fridays to you all!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

[The] Santa Claus[e].

I never believed in Santa. Never. My parents always told me he wasn't real, and to my knowledge, I never ruined another child's belief in Santa. But, I don't plan on telling my kids about Santa one bit. My cousin posted his on Facebook the other day, and I couldn't agree more. "I love the Christmas season, but it drives me insane to hear parents talk about what "Santa" is getting for their kids.... So, we celebrate the Savior's Birth by lying to our children. And by making material goods the focus of the celebration. Hmm..... How is that the Christmas spirit?"

Now, I'm all for some gifts, and I'm all for celebrating Christmas the ENTIRE month of December. But, my cousin is right. Material things aren't the reason why we, as Christians, celebrate, and lying to your kids about Santa is not the greatest way to celebrate the birth of Christ. 

I don't like Santa stuff. I just don't. It's tacky to me, and it takes away from the meaning of Christmas to me. However, my FAVORITE Christmas movie ever is The Santa Clause. Seriously. I love it. Maybe because of Tim Allen's great sense of humor? I don't know why, it's just that I absolutely love it. I have it on VHS, but who really uses a VHS player anymore? So, it's coming on ABC Family tonight, and I am SO excited!

What's your favorite Christmas movie? 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

i love pinterest.

a few of my most favorite recent pins:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Will I Still Be Okay?

Last night, as I was doing my quiet time, the Lord began asking me a few questions. They were some really hard questions, and I still don't know my answer to them. 

My devotion was on living with an eternal purpose in mind, which is something I've been hearing a lot in the past few days. Matthew Henry writes, "It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day." Do we live in a way to make every moment count? Chris Tiegreen, the guy who wrote my devotional, writes, "Understanding life's uncertainty can lead to a remarkable shift in values." Are my priorities lined up in such a way that I'm showing how uncertain every day is to the people in my day-to-day life? 

Tiegreen ends yesterday's devotion with this challenge: "Begin living in the light of eternity, and understand the life God has given us." Am I really living in the light of eternity? Am I living with an eternal perspective? 1 John 2:28 says, "And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink from Him in shame at His coming." 

Did you catch that last part? "we may have confidence and not shrink from Him in shame at His coming" Last week, I went to church with Caroline in Auburn (actually in Opelika, but that's not the point). The pastor preached on this verse. I want to live every day so that I am confident that if Jesus came back that day, I wouldn't be ashamed at how I was living. I would be so excited, and I could say, "Here I am, Lord. Take me." 

Last night, as I was doing my devotion, I was thinking and praying about all these thoughts. That's when the Lord starting asking me questions. Like one that I tweeted last night. At the end of the day, are we willing to be okay with the fact that God accomplishes the desires of our hearts differently than we imagined?

Am I? Am I okay with that? Will I be content? There are some desires in my heart that are huge. Like getting married. Being a mom. Meeting my BM. But what if the Lord accomplishes those desires in ways that are different than I imagined? I'm currently reading this book about a girl who had some of those same desires, and the Lord is using her in different ways than she imagined. Is that what the Lord is going to do?

At the end of the day, will I give all the glory to Him if He does it differently than I want Him to? I sure hope so.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas is in a MONTH!

YAY! I am SO excited for Christmas this year. I think I'm really excited about it because I have my own house that I got to decorate and because of the awesome parties that will take place in this house. But, before I get too carried away with Christmas, I need to write about Thanksgiving.

I really didn't think this Thanksgiving was going to be that eventful. It was our second annual Thanksgiving at Leah's house, and there weren't many plans for a crazy Thanksgiving. We got there, took our group picture without too many complications, and then we all spent the rest of the afternoon eating and talking. I was probably a bit upset about the fact that there wasn't any ham there. (We had a TON of food, two turkeys, and lots of dessert. Yet there was no ham. I was a bit disappointed, yet I've learned to be okay with that when none of my family and few of my friends actually like ham.)

Well, the day got a little crazy when Leah's cousin's dog got out and half of us went looking for him. (I may or may not have been the reason why he got out.) After knocking on a random neighbor's door, traipsing through some people's yards, climbing over some rocks and up a hill, and Leah going under some barbed wire, my dad called to say that the dog was found. I'd say that was a little eventful. Then, we got back to Leah's house, and what was there? Oh, just her sister and two horses. What did I do? Oh, just rode one in the front yard. No big deal. Check out Leah's blog to see the pictures!

That night, Leah and I were some of the crazies that took part of the Black Friday shopping. We got some AMAZING deals! Even though we had some really awkward moments, I'd say the night/early morning was a major success. I've also come to the conclusion that me + Leah + event will more than likely always end up in us having some sort of crazy story and that we shouldn't be surprised when it happens.

Back to house is DECORATED! Ah, I love it. I really am enjoying this whole decorating a house thing, especially when it comes to Christmas time. Leah put some pictures up, and hopefully the next time she's over she can take some more. I'm looking forward to the Christmas parties that are going to take place in my house in the next few weeks! Also, I'm seriously almost done with my Christmas shopping. Thanks, Black Friday Specials! I've knocked out four people already, and I've made a dent in a few others.

I'm spending the rest of my Thanksgiving break reading this:

and getting really excited for Christmas by pinning things like this: 

I really love this picture.
So grateful for these girls! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where I so WISH that my family had traditions that we held every year. But, last year we went to Leah's house so that our families could celebrate Thanksgiving together. We're doing that again this year, and I'm thinking that it may become our new tradition. I'm totally okay with that!!

This year, I'm thankful for...
--my house! Even though it means that my grandma is in an assisted living facility (which really is a blessing), I'm SO thankful that my parents are cool enough to let me live in it!
--my NEW great job. I was talking to a friend today, and I said, "I don't even feel like I'm at work when I'm here. It's so fun." Thank You, Lord, for letting me have this amazing opportunity!
--my great family. I have such amazing parents, and I don't know where I would be without them. My extended family (i.e. my aunt who is making me a t-shirt quilt--YES) my BD, his family, my BM's parents, and every other family member. I love them all.
--my precious and sweet friends. I so love every single one of them. They are amazing blessings in my life, and I would not be the person I am today if not for them.
--all the sweet babies in my life. I love, love, love that the Lord lets me be "Ash-Ash" to some of the most adorable babies/toddlers in the world (not that I'm biased or anything...). What an awesome blessing that the Lord gives me even though I don't have "real" siblings!
--our precious and gracious heavenly Father for loving me enough to give His Son for me. How great is our God?!

What are you thankful for this thanksgiving?!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm Thankful For...

...some really sweet friends. The past two nights have been filled with the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Monday night had my group of friends from church, and last night was all of my friends from high school. I so love the holidays because it means that almost all of my best friends are in town. They are the best, and I'm so blessed by them!

So thankful that these two are some of my best friends!

This was supposed to be a play on awkward family photos, but it's just funny. 

We SO miss Drew this semester!

Awkward space in between the two of them made for a great photo. 

Great friends. 

Love these guys. 

Unfortunately, I didn't break out the camera last night. But, we'll be hanging out and taking lots of pictures during our Christmas party that's going to be at my house in a few weeks. I'm super excited :) But, I was left with a few gifts on my phone from last night. 

two of my favorite people in the world. 
life would be so dull without them. 

I'm trying to spice up the blog a little bit with a new background and other stuff. I'm still working it all out, but thanks to Chelsea I'm doing better than I was before!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
I give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Your name forever. - Psalm 86:12

Sunday, November 20, 2011

war eagle, hey!

I love Auburn. I know I've mentioned it a ton before, but I adore Auburn University, Auburn football, and almost anything orange and blue. The only thing (besides the good Lord Himself) that got me through this week was the fact that I knew I would be headed to Auburn on Saturday. Add in a last minute sleepover with Caroline, and I was really excited about the weekend. The only thing I wasn't excited about was waking up at 5 so that we could hit the road at 6.

Apparently I was so NOT excited about waking up that early that I didn't. I was supposed to pick my dad up at 6:15, and at 6:25 he called me and woke me up. Needless to say, we left at 7:15 instead of 6:15. We ended up getting to Auburn around 10:30 their time, and everything worked out great. Headed to Momma Goldberg's for some delicious nachos for lunch then it was time to head to Jordan Hare Stadium!

Side Note: In this post, I said I was going to cut out sweet tea and coke for the rest of the year. Only water. I was doing fine. I had gotten through my caffeine headaches, and I was good. Until Saturday. I ordered lunch at Momma G's, and I asked (and paid) for a bottle of water. The manager comes out and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry but we don't have any bottles left. And our tap isn't working either, so there's no water I can give you. Want a coke?" I was a bit bummed, but I had to drink SOMETHING with those monterrey jack nachos, so I caved. And again, just like that, I'm back for the rest of the year. Oh well. I tried. 

I just love this place. 
Look at all that pretty orange and blue. 

Auburn wins!
Good day with just my dad :)

After the game and some shopping to get some new Auburn things, which you can never have too much of :), my dad dropped me off with Caroline, and I hung out with her for the rest of the day/weekend. I hadn't seen her since Labor Day weekend, so it was good to spend some time with her. We went to church this morning then ate lunch in Atlanta at Mary Mac's Tea Room. It was so good. If you love Southern food and you're in Atlanta, you must check it out! 

My two precious friends Leah and Hannah have joined and rejoined the blogger world! I'm excited! Leah's blog is for her photography-ness, and Hannah's is for her life and such. I love these girls tons (even though we don't get to see Hannah all that much) but I'm glad they're blogging now! Check them out :) 

Super excited for Thanksgiving break this week, seeing old friends, and lots of good eats!

Monday, November 14, 2011

weekend recap.

It's been a not-so-busy-but-really-fun weekend.

I got up super early on Friday so that I could take these sweet boys to school (okay, it was only 8 a.m. but I really like my sleep, especially on Fridays):

I mean, seriously?! How cute are they?!

Saturday, I watched Auburn play a TERRIBLE game. I mean, it was awful. Georgia had some amazing plays, but Auburn was just not playing the game. My dad said that he thought the band was out there playing. I agree. 

That night, my family was supposed to go to the Brandon Heath concert with Leah and her family. But, Mr. Bob wasn't feeling well, so I went with my parents and we brought Chelsea along. 

After the concert, my mom got Brandon Heath's set list so that we could give it to Mr. Bob. He collects them. She told Chelsea and I that it was "our challenge" to go and get the set list signed. We lived up to that challenge and then some. We got Brandon Heath to make a video for Mr. Bob which you can watch here. It was SO sweet!

I got my Erin Condren planner in the mail on Friday! I love it! I really don't think I'll buy another planner ever again. It's great! 
It's the last full week of classes before Thanksgiving. I'm so ready to be done. My schedule for next semester will hopefully be where I only have classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Great? Great. Dear friends who I haven't gone to see this semester, it WILL be happening next semester! 

Also, I got the series Band of Brothers yesterday at Target. It was on sale, and I couldn't pass it up. I LOVE it. Random fact about Ashton #9547823: I love World War II. Anything and everything about it. It's my favorite time in history to study and learn about. 

Check out Hillsong's Christmas album. This song is by far my favorite from the whole album! So good!

Have a fabulous fall filled Monday! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


“We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Tuesdays are my LONGEST days at school, but not my longest days during the week (that's Wednesday). My first class is at 8:30, and my last class is over at 6:10. Ugh. I really don't like Tuesdays at all.

But, this Tuesday wasn't too bad. I had an appointment, so I didn't go to my 11:30 class. Then, I finished my FINAL project for my music class. I'm DONE. Finished. Ah, the feeling is so liberating.

My mom and I went shopping for Christmas decorations yesterday. I'm so excited to get to decorate my house for Christmas! It was pretty successful, although there are still a few things I need to get, like my annual ornament. Every year, I've always gotten an ornament (this is definitely a tradition I'll continue with my family). Usually my ornament somehow says something about that year. So, this year I'm trying to find a house ornament since I moved into my new house this year (props to my mom for that idea).

I saw this at Hobby Lobby tonight. 
SERIOUSLY? Are you kidding me, Hobby Lobby? 
So dumb. 

with Momma Connie last week at the Fall Family Fest at WBC :) 

Today, I was talking with our Teaching Pastor at church. The man has a LOT of wisdom, and I respect him a lot. He said something that really stuck with me. It was this, "Is your desire for what you want greater than your desire for what someone else needs?" I just thought that was awesome, and I think it can be applied in SO many different relationships. 

How cute is this little pumpkin head?
He made it at school yesterday, and this is what I got when I told him to "pose". 
Love. Him. 

best friends.
so thankful they're my people. 

Source: via Ashton on Pinterest

ACS people, get ready. 
This is coming. 
Third Annual Christmas Party. 

Tonight I watched one of ESPN's films: Roll Tide/War Eagle. So, so, so incredibly good. Oh my goodness, I love Auburn football. I love the rivalry between the two teams, and I'm glad to be on the Auburn side :) Can't wait to go to Auburn next weekend with my dad! 

Charles Barkley said this on the film (referring to the Cam Newton accusations): "Alabama accusing Auburn of cheating is like Snooki telling Halle Berry she's ugly. Are you kidding me?" That Charles Barkley. He's a good man. #wareagle

I think I mentioned that I am just LOVING Ben Rector and his music. I really like his song Hank. I'll leave you with a few lyrics from that.

when you find yourself alone in times of trouble
reach inside you and above you
there's nothing He can't heal