Wednesday, October 12, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 18

Day Eighteen: Five Things That Irritate You About the Opposite Sex

Boys. Can't live with them, can't live without them. They annoy the mess out of me sometimes, but other times they make me laugh and smile so much. Here are a few things that bother me about the male species:

  1. Selective Hearing. Ugh, that drives me up the wall. I've experienced this with lots of my male friends, my dad, my cousins, etc. I just don't get how men tend to pick and choose what they listen to and what they don't. Then you have to explain the story or situation all over again. So. Frustrating. 
  2. Passing Gas in Public. YUCK. Not many of my guy friends do this (I've been blessed with some stellar guys in my life), but I have one or two that do. It is so gross. Please don't. Go to the bathroom. 
  3. Not Cleaning Up. No matter where it is--in my car, my living room, my kitchen, the church, anywhere that isn't their bedroom, they need to clean up after themselves. It is so annoying. I'm not your mother, and you have two feet that can take you to the trashcan. It's not that hard to throw away a coke can. 
  4. Leaving the toilet seat up. Again, I don't have too many friends that do that. But still, seriously? Did your mom not raise you better than that? I know she did. Just put it down!
  5. Acting like they know everything about everything. Granted, I have a few girl friends who do this as well, but I think boys are much worse about it. Like when they say, "Oh, a kidney stone is worse than childbirth" or "Labor won't hurt that bad." Um, excuse me, have you had a baby? No. Will you? No. Therefore your opinion doesn't really matter. 
Okay, I'll step off my soapbox now. Fellas, step it up a notch. I'm not the only girl who feels this way. 

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