Friday, July 27, 2012

Remembering His Faithfulness

Over the past two months, I've been reminded just how FAITHFUL my God is. He has proven Himself time and time again to me while being in Australia. I was pretty much fully funded to come here. My parents were 100% supportive, as well as my church family who has been amazingly faithful in facebook comments, messages, etc. My friends have been so encouraging. God has been great in showing me His faithfulness by reminding me almost daily how blessed I am.

As surely as the sun will rise...certain as the dawn appears... 

He's also shown me His faithfulness through the people He's placed in my life here in Pakenham. He knew I would need a I have a Kammi. He knew I would need a MB/Chelsea I have a Lauren. He knew I would need a mother I have a Julie. He knew I would need to get my little kid fix I have Phoebe and Jemima. And He knew I would need so many more people and He blessed me with them as well. He has been so faithful to me, even from before I was born when He placed me in the home of my parents. My God has been extremely faithful.

As surely as the sun will rise...certain as Your word endures...

So, why am I doubting that He isn't going to be faithful when I get home? He's been SO good to me, why wouldn't He be the same when I get back to Augusta? For the first time in my working life (all 4.5 years of that), I have to search for a job. God's been good. He's been so gracious in the fact that I got to work at WBC for so long. I know He has something great in store for me, but it's hard because I hate walking into the unknown. I also know it's going to be really weird for me to go back to serving in the high school ministry and not be on staff. I think it may be harder transitioning back into Augusta than it was transitioning into Australia. But, I have to remember that God is still and will always be faithful.

Basically, I'm writing this as a reminder for myself, but also as a request for prayer. Pray that God will open just the right door for me and whatever job I'm supposed to have, I'll get. Pray that my transition from church staff to church member will be an easy one. And also, please pray for safe travel mercies and that I can make my connecting flight in L.A. Wednesday is going to be the longest day in the history of my world :)

Love from down under....for the last time!

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