Monday, October 29, 2012

lovin' life

Every now and then, I stop by my mom's office to pick up something or drop off something. While there, I typically chat with my mom and her boss. A few weeks ago, after leaving, my mom's boss said to her that I really seem like I'm loving my life right now. And I have to say, I really agree with him. I'm super thankful for the place God has put me in right now. While there are moments that I wish to be done with college or married and with kids, I'm grateful for a flexible schedule to walk along side my sweet friends through this time in our lives. 

This weekend was another great one. Because pictures are worth a thousand words, I'll let them do the talking...

Started off the weekend in Columbia going to support our favorite high school. ACS won their last regular season game on Friday, and they are undefeated for the first time in school history. Here's to another state championship!!

Got to celebrate Maggie on her actual birthday! How on earth can she be 18?!?

We woke up early on Saturday morning and watched Chelsea's little sister run in her last cross country meet! I got my monogrammed pocket tee here. I love it!

We spent Saturday evening celebrating my favorite brother/sister combo. Their birthdays are a day apart. 

October 2007//October 2012. We definitely don't look too different, just older. I'm so blessed to still be friends with these two! 

Since it was also Maggie's party, a lot of my sweet senior girls + roommate were there. I love spending time with them!

Know what this means? I ordered my bridesmaid's dress for Hannah's wedding! So excited! 

Gap tweeted at me yesterday. I'm not gonna lie. It kinda made my day. 

Waking up this morning and realizing that it is colder here than it is in Australia, at night, made me SO excited. Fall and winter are upon us! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

i love weekends.

This weekend was probably one of the best weekends I've had this semester. Let's just say any weekend that I get to spend time with my BFFS makes for a fabulous weekend. And I got to spend time with two of them and talk to another this weekend. I. Love. Weekends. 

The weekend started off with sleeping in, then meeting up with Chelsea at Target. While there, Hannah met us, and we talked about all sorts of wedding stuff and other things. I love how we don't need anything big to be with each other; we can literally just stroll the aisles of Target and catch up on life. Ahh, they're truly something special. 

I spent some time with Jack and Joe that night, and then Saturday morning Chelsea and I headed downtown to go bridesmaid dress shopping with Hannah and some of the other bridesmaids. The dress is really pretty, is super comfortable, and has pockets. Any dress with pockets is a win to me! It was so fun to spend this time with Hannah and some of the other bridesmaids, and it made this whole thing seem real to me! I cannot wait for J & H's special day :)

Saturday was also my Mom's birthday, so we spent the evening together, and it was a good day celebrating my sweet mom! Sunday was another just good day, and today and tomorrow are my fall break. So, I'm loving this time off of school, getting things done and wrapping some of my Christmas it bad that I'm already halfway done with my Christmas shopping list and it's not even November? Oh well :)

Apparently taking pictures on an iPhone is too much for my dad...yay for blurry pictures. 

This is how we feel after taking so many blurry pictures :)

4 pieces of mail from WBC in one day...think I'm involved at my church at all? 

favorite boys in the entire world :)

I guess that's one way to drink your milk :)

Bridesmaid shenanigans! SO. MUCH. FUN. 

So excited that this comes out tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

falling into fall

Last year, I was so excited about decorating my house for Christmas that I pretty much skipped over all fall decorations completely. I bought some leaf place mats for the kitchen table, but that was it. I'm not a big fan of Halloween, so I had to do a little searching to decorate for fall without Halloween coming in. Even though it's not as much as I do for Christmas, I'm super happy with the decorations I have for fall (note: not all are pictured). 

I made the "Happy Fall Yall" banner by looking at Pinterest and at lots of tutorials and taking bits and pieces from each. It's really simple. I bought some burlap from Hancock fabric for like $2 a yard. I cut out the triangles, and those you can make as small or as big as you want. I then printed my letters at about size 400 font, and this is great because you can use whatever font you want. I cut my letters out with my exacto knife, then I painted where I cut out onto the burlap. I let them dry overnight, and then I hot glued the yarn to the triangles--I folded the top of the triangle over the yarn then hot glued it down. I was really happy with the way it turned out. It's a little bigger than I planned, but I know how to make it a little smaller for when I do a Christmas one!

I downloaded this Subway Art from this blog. They have lots of great cute ones for all the holidays, and I love all of them!!

Thanks, Mom and Dad for the pumpkin and mums!!!

In other news, Steak and Shake finally opened in Augusta, and we finally got to go! We opted for to-go and sat outside instead of waiting the 30 minutes or so to get a table. Hopefully the next time we go it won't be crowded!
I promise they were happy to be there, even though two of them don't look like they are. 

And, because I FINALLY get to share bff Chelsea and I are going to be in Hannah's wedding! I ran into Hannah last week, and she asked me to be a bridesmaid, but I couldn't say anything until she asked Chelsea. I honestly avoided talking to Chelsea as much as possible until Hannah asked her because I was scared I'd spill the news! But, now we both know, and we're so thrilled to get to be a part of Hannah and Jonathan's special day!!!

Hope you're having a lovely fall day, friends. After tomorrow, I'll be on fall break, and I'm SO looking forward to that!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

october ramblings

So, to me October means a lot of things. Football, fall, chili, fun decorations, colder weather, more money spent at Starbucks, my mom's birthday, etc. And the past few days, Augusta has actually felt like fall. I love it. However, I know that living in Georgia means in can be 60 one day and 90 the next. I'm not really looking forward to the non-fallish days. 

October also tends to mean midterms. This week is midterm/project week for me. I AM SO READY TO BE DONE. Midterm week also requires a little procrastination, therefore a post about life these past few days seems to be the perfect way to procrastinate for a few minutes. 

I hung out with this sweet girl the other day. How cute is she? 

The beaver strikes again...I have to say this was one of the most fun nights I've had in a while. And how stinkin cute is Harris in his Spiderman costume? 

Got to see the best friend! And I just realized we're wearing the same shoes. 

The beaver goes to Sonic!

Please. Stop. Growing. Up. So. Fast. 

So, last Thursday, I went to class, watched Jack and Joe for 3+ hours, went back to class, and then came back to watch Jack and Joe for another 4-5 hours (some while they were asleep). This picture pretty much sums up our day. Lots of screaming, but LOTS of fun :) 


Gross, I know, but my broken/sprained/really badly bruised toe. Of course this happens right when I want to start wearing boots and cute fall shoes but I can't because it hurts too bad! 

This candle from Bath and Body Works just SCREAMS fall. I absolutely love it. Go, do yourself a favor, and buy one of these. You'll LOVE it. 

These are my most favorite recent snack. So, so, so good. 

And a few of my most recent favorite pins...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

you REALLY must watch these.

Heather + Andrew :: Coming Soon
from CandleLight Films on Vimeo.
This video has caused me to fall in love with the song, My Dear by Bethel Music. Check out their latest album, The Loft Sessions.

Psalm 46
from WBC Media on Vimeo.
This is the music video to a song my roommate's boyfriend wrote. They're rockstars. Really, they are. I can't wait for the day when I get to say, "I knew them when." :)

I'm typically not a fan of late night's usually too vulgar or crude. But this is just plain funny. You've gotta watch it.

And this is just TOO cute. Love it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

i'm pumped...


It's homecoming season, and that always manages to bring some of my bffssssss home. I seriously cannot WAIT to see these people. Unfortunately, things like home football games and sorority shenanigans will keep some of them away, but I do know that I'll be seeing at least these three...

...and hopefully some more. If not, the four of us will rock the legacy of the class of 2010, and we'll probably do something very anti-climatic afterwards like going to Waffle House or Sonic to catch up. We honestly don't require a lot to be entertained--just each other (how cheesy is that?!)

SO SO SO SO SO excited. Seriously. 

Oh, and tomorrow is this girl's 21st...

since it is homecoming weekend, i figured i'd throw up the picture of our first homecoming as alum

Happy Birthday, Hannah! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day, and I wish I could be with you to celebrate. I'm so looking forward to this year and all that the Lord has in store for you! Love, love, love, love you!