Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ice Cream.

The good Lord sure did know what He was doing when He told Quaker colonists to bring their ice cream recipes with them to the United States (thank you, Wikipedia, for giving me this great information). Seriously, He did. I so love ice cream. It's my comfort food. I eat it when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm mad, etc. I love ice cream.

On Sunday, Leah, Chelsea, and I went to the Augusta GreenJackets game where we sadly watched nine full innings of Minor League Baseball to see them score a whopping one point. Way to go, GreenJackets. Okay, so we probably saw about four, maybe five, innings of the game. By the time we got into the game, the first inning was over. Then we spent probably another inning waiting in line to get food. And then another two, maybe three, innings waiting in line for Chelsea to get a balloon animal hat type thing. We did get to see an amazing fireworks show after the game, and it made for a fun ending to the night. But, we had some crazy stuff going on in all of our lives, so we stopped at Kroger on the way home to grab some ice cream.

YESSSSS. Back in April I tweeted, "Sometimes I hate the fact that my dad's such a health nut. Why can't we have ice cream in our freezer like normal people?" Leah tweeted back, "In a few months you'll have your own house and you can eat drumsticks without shame." She actually bought drumsticks the other night (that are still currently in my freezer), and I bought some classic Mayfield's. But, she's so right. I'm in my own house, and I can eat ice cream without shame. I so thank the Lord for that, because this has been a week where I've been in great need of that ice cream.

And it's only Tuesday. Sunday was fine, and Monday was the fourth, so nothing crazy happened "technically". But, I've been dealing with some stuff on the inside that has just been eating at me. Things have been thrown at me that I never would have expected, and I'm so wishing the Lord could just TELL me what it is He's trying to teach me. I texted my other friend Chelsea about the whole situation, and she was so encouraging. She said, "God knows your heart, and He is beyond faithful...He knows you better than anyone, and He would never place you in any situation where He knew you couldn't be strong and beautiful."

Everything inside of me wants to yell at God and ask Him what in the world He thinks He's doing. I should be in Asheville right now. I shouldn't be dealing with some of the junk that I'm dealing with. But, like Chelsea said, He is beyond faithful. The prophet Isaiah reminds the people of God to "remember the former things He's done". I know God is faithful because of all the times He's been faithful in my life and in the lives of others around me. This is just a testing time for me, but I am thankful for it, because of the words James writes, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4). 

On a more positive note, I got my hair cut today. It's probably about four or five inches shorter, and a lady at the salon said, "That cut just frames your face perfectly!" I like to think so, too : ) I also saw one of my good friends who is finally back in the AUG today. That was good! My best friend, Caroline, comes home next week, and I'm SO excited. It's been a loooong two months without her. And, I've got some pictures to share...

Jack + I hanging out. He's growing up TOO fast! 

My two favorite boys, Jack + Joe. 

Leah + I at the GreenJackets game. 

Yes, she is my best friend, and yes, I will claim her in public. 

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