Friday, July 15, 2011


I went to the doctor today, and he told me that my ankle is healing properly, and I can take the boot off! HALLELUJAH, and thank You, Jesus! I'm so happy that this boot can come off! Unfortunately, I didn't bring another shoe with me to the doctor (because I really didn't think this was going to be his diagnosis), so I'm stuck at work with the boot still on. Yep, still on. But, I figure if I've had it on for this long, a few extra hours aren't going to kill me.

I still have to "take it easy" for the next six weeks, which I know is going to be sort of hard for me. I can ride the bike and swim, though, and I'm looking forward to being able to do that. I think my clothes are going to enjoy that as well. I am driving, and I love being reunited with my car. Seriously, though. The Lord taught me a lot during these six weeks of having to be dependent upon other people, but I'm so glad that I can drive myself places now. So, so, so glad.

I cannot believe it's the middle of July. If I had stayed at camp, today would've been my last day. I start classes for the fall semester exactly one month from today. Summer is f-l-y-i-n-g by. We're planning some of our "final" summer events for students, and I can't believe this summer is almost over. I have so enjoyed spending time with students this summer, especially the middle school girls. They're in such a weird place in life that you can't not love them if you spend just a few minutes with them. They love life, they are enthusiastic and energetic, and I enjoy being with them lots. Especially this girl...

If the only reason I came home this summer was to get close to Jordan and show her more about Jesus, I'll take it. She makes me laugh lots and lots, and she's tons of fun to be around!

Augusta's been having some crazy summer storms lately, and frankly, I'm over it. They're annoying, and they come at all the wrong times. I know I should be grateful for the rain, but this is intense! And it's supposed to rain all weekend. 

I've been reading a lot. Jenny B. Jones and Robin Jones Gunn are my two current favorites. Robin Jones Gunn has been a fav for years, and I mean years. I've been reading her books since I was in middle school, and I so love each and every one of them. They carried me through my crazy teen years, and the Lord really used her books to speak to me about important issues in life. I recently discovered Jenny B. Jones, and I love her. I absolutely LOVE her books. She is a hilarious author, and her books crack me up. So, if you like to read, go find some Jenny B. Jones or Robin Jones Gunn. You won't be disappointed. 

I'm ending with this. Hillsong Live has a new album coming out called "Our God Is Able". (I think it's already available in some places, but I don't think it's available in the great U. S. of A.). This song, called "The Lost are Found" is one of my favorites ever. Check it out on YouTube, here.

1 comment:

  1. PRAISE THE LORD - HOORAY for getting out of the boot!!!!
