Friday, July 29, 2011

Sneezing & Coughing & Blowing My Nose.

I've gone through five boxes of tissues in the last seven days. Five boxes of tissues. Let's just say that I never want to see a tissue EVER again. I hate being sick in the summer!

I got a cold from my dear favorite nephew, Jack. If anyone else had coughed in my face a few times like he did, I would've been mad. But, he's got the cutest face in the world, and hearing him say "I love you, Ash Ash" definitely makes up for it. No matter how cute he is, I've been sick for a week, and I'm SO over it. Summer colds are the worst, and I'm really ready to be through with this one. Yet, I have enjoyed taking it easy the last few days and relaxing.

Cheer camp was last week at work, and despite my efforts to only work downstairs at the desk, I had to work camp. I thoroughly enjoyed it, though. I only had to do devotion and chants, so it wasn't too hard! I fell in love with some of the girls. They made me smile and laugh every single day!

Jordan and me before their big pep rally!

Jordan's twin, Jane! 

Charity--this girl had me laughing so much last week! 

I've been hanging out with these three cats a lot lately:

Ryan, Chelsea, and David at the park. 

They've been super fun to hang out with, and they all make me laugh so much. I'm thankful for such sweet and funny friends!

I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow with the high schoolers for a Braves game and some rock climbing. It's our last "big" event for the summer. I seriously cannot believe that summer is almost over and that I start classes two weeks from Monday! I'm looking forward to the routine of school but not the school work. 

I also can't believe how much has changed in a year. Last summer I was getting ready to start college, and now it just seems like I'm going back to school. No big deal. I also got really close with my friend, Mollie Kate, last summer, and she wrote me a sweet note this week, so I've been thinking about her a lot lately. She and I went shopping this very weekend last year, where we got some super cute dresses from the Loft. Think I may just have to wear that on Sunday. 

I'm glad that the Lord puts kindred spirits in our lives.
Mollie Kate definitely is one of them!

"I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:13-14

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