Monday, January 30, 2012

miscellany's the last monday in january?!?!

1. How is January almost over?! I feel like just yesterday it was New Year's Eve, and now the month is about to be over! January FLEW by!

2. I made this the other night:

SO, SO, SO good. Seriously the best tacos I have ever had. They were beyond delicious. And it was so easy to make. Chicken, a can of salsa, and a package of taco mix all in the crock pot for about 5 hours. SO easy. SO good. 

3. I signed up for The Color Run last night! Chelsea, Mary Beth, Addison, Cole, and I are going to run it in March. Now, I'm not a runner at ALL. Like, I hate to run. But, I wanted to run a 5k before I turn 21, and doesn't this look like SO much fun?! 

You wear white, and at each kilometer, they blast you with a different color. It's an easy, "fun" run, not one based off of speed, so it's PERFECT for me. I'm SO excited. 

4. I'm heading to Florida in a few weeks with my mom to see our family down there. I'm really excited! It's been a year since we've seen them, and I can't wait to do some shopping at IKEA! 

5. I want to do this so bad and make some and put them in my living room! 

6. I spent a lot of time this weekend with these two cuties: 

At one point, I was telling Casie about Australia, and she said to Jack, "Jack, Ash Ash is going to Australia this summer." Jack looks at me and says, "Ash Ash, don't leave us!!!" Seriously the sweetest thing in the entire world! 

Hope your last Monday of January is fabulous! 


  1. cute blog! i can't believe that it's the end of January either... crazy how time flies! p.s. those tacos look delicious! happy monday!

    1. thanks! they were superb! happy monday to you as well!

  2. You've been tagged on my blog today!
