Monday, May 6, 2013

Miscellany Monday

I'm linking up with Carissa for Miscellany Monday today!

1. Well hello there blog. I sure have missed you, but you had to take a backseat for a couple of weeks due to finals. But no fear, I'm back because I am DONE! The semester is finally OVER, and I am thrilled. Now just to wait on grades (although I do know I have an A in at least one class).

2. These cuties had some pictures taken. Enough said. #proudAshAsh

3. Sweet Maggie rocked it in her musical a few weekends ago. I can hardly believe this is her last one at ACS!

4. I got to spend the day at Camp! It was so pretty, even though it was raining and I didn't really go outside of the Dining Hall. Only 25 days left until I'm there for the summer! 

5. I'm grateful that I go to college in Augusta because I don't have to say goodbye to my college friends for the summer. Well, not for the whole summer. I've got a good chunk of time before I head to camp and after camp before classes start that I can spend with them. I'm planning to soak up every minute!

6. This girl gets MARRIED in like 11 days! Eleven days!!! AHHH. We're headed to the beach this weekend to have "one last fling until the ring". Craziness, I tell you. How on earth are we this old?

7. When Ash Ash picks you up from school, you get a surprise! 

8. Roadtripped with Robin yesterday for a baby shower. She claims she was "watching the road by watching the rearview mirror". 

9. Loving this quote by Francis Chan: 

"It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that he didn't call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace."

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